Cracking Yarns… “Dear Fatty”

Great reads

Have you read Dawn French’s “Dear Fatty” yet? This is a beautiful, hopeful, lovely and sweet book, by a woman who is obviously beautiful, hopeful, lovely and sweet.

I hate gossip

Don't gossip

I really hate gossip. I find it extremely dangerous, hurtful, petty and most of the time, the person is completely wrong. It’s like being judgmental – which I also hate

Memory lane… Billy Idol

Girls day out

In 2003 I saw Bill Idol in concert in Sydney. I went with four amazing friends and we accidentally had the greatest day

The troops go home – so what now?

US exit Iraq

It was pretty amazing watching the news this week when it was announced US combat troops were leaving Iraq. I felt relived for the soldiers finally finishing their tour of duty

My husband… an incompatibility

True love

When we met it was like falling in love with an opposite sex version of ourselves, we were so closely aligned in all of our thinking, values, morals and more.

Facing up to fear

Mind games

Whenever I was sitting around doing pretty much anything, these horrible disaster scenarios would run through my head

The reality of the move kicks in

Andrea Edwards

We got rejected with our third request for a lease extension. We don’t know if the real estate agent is doing a number on us or

Flat, flat, flat!

Weary mother

I’ve had a few weeks of really achieving some great stuff, but right now, I am done in. The main reason has to be my boys and this cold snap.