It’s Glamour Week. Let’s Talk Lipstick

Andrea EDwards

You will rarely hear me talking about products designed to make me prettier, mainly because it’s a boring topic. However, maybe I can make it un-boring today? For my loyal male readership, feel free to switch off right now, then again, this is potentially good knowledge to help you become better partners/spouses/brothers/fathers/etc…? My recent purchases… […]

The Chaos is Over Now – Right?

Uncommon COurage

On this day last year I posted a blog – One More Year – in honour of my little man’s 6th b’day. So yes, you can safely conclude that today Jax is a very big boy of seven. He also seems to have woken up with the attitude to match – crikey! Even though Jax is the pain […]

Lessons and Learnings from Friends in Asia

Uncommon COurage

When I published ‘What a Great Start to the Year, Not’ it opened up some really interesting discussions with friends in Asia, as well as one person I’ve never met who believed the victims of Charlie Hebdo deserved to die. While horrifying to me that anyone could think this, in our online discussion, I came […]