Here's what readers of Uncommon Courage have shared with me - so grateful to everyone who's sending reviews

What readers are saying about Uncommon Courage

Uncommon Courage: An Invitation is a self-improvement book written by Andrea T Edwards.

This book is intended to help the readers improve their lives, how they associate with each other, and how they interact with Mother Earth. It is an invitation to make everything in our life and environment better, despite the challenges we now face as humankind, some created by us and others beyond our control.

The author presents a hundred and eight wisdoms drawn from her experiences. These eye-opening, timeless wisdoms tackle seven themes: self-awareness, self-empowerment, empower others, external influence, social leadership, career thoughts, and climate courage. Each strategy (wisdom) is placed in its chapter, and below each chapter, a theme it touches on is indicated. I greatly enjoyed my journey through this enlightening read.

There were several things I liked about this book. First, I couldn’t help but notice its splendid formatting. The first impression it gave was of the amount of work and resources the author invested in this project. The book’s pages are great and appealing to read through. The chapters are also short, engrossing, and scannable. They enhanced my reading experience. The author’s passion for each topic presented was also apparent, making this book more interesting to me. I liked the fact that the author backed it with examples from personal experiences and well-cited sources.

The topics were informative, enlightening, and entertaining. Most resonated with me directly. While some were great reminders, others were totally new concepts, and I learned a lot from them. This book passes for self-improvement and educative read. The topics are vast. I could see myself through these pages.

Apart from those, I loved the attention the author gave to the issue of climate change. I found the topics discussed eye-opening and the various strategies she proposed for combating climate change informative. This was the feeling I had when reading them: everyone should read this.

What I liked the most about this book was that the concepts were not only informative but also practical. At the end of each chapter, the author provided reflection and call-to-action questions. They are thoughtful, insightful, and well laid out. They further reinforced the previously presented concepts and made me draw more from this book. This, in turn, added to my overall enjoyment of this work.

Overall, I absolutely disliked nothing in this book. It was perfectly edited, as I didn’t find any errors. Therefore, I am glad to give it an excellent rating of five out of five stars. This book has great wisdom, and I’ll be rereading it from time to time to refresh on the strategies.

I highly recommend this book to readers who want to improve their lives. Unlike many self-improvement books, this all-encompassing read touches on topics that will improve your life and help us conserve our home, Earth. On the other hand, I don’t think of anyone who may find this least suitable.

Helen Akoth
Uncommon Courage by Andrea Edwards | OnlineBookClub.org

“Never be ashamed of the music you love.”


Regardless of how successful we are, we are destined to have the moments where we need a little courage and strength from within or from a source outside, be that an inspirational idol, a mentor, a friend or a guru.


I saw an ad for this book on Instagram and I could not stop myself from reading it. I’m more than glad that I completed reading this book though, in the beginning, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the author’s personal story and huge introduction part of the book.


The book is a collection of 108 wisdom mantras from the author, focussing on seven kinds of wisdom- self-awareness, self-empowerment, empowering others, external Influence, social leadership, career thoughts and climate courage, with the obvious announcement that not everything will work for everyone, the wisdom is to be acquired with what resonates.


As an army musician during her youth, the author travelled solo which enabled her to come out of her comfort zone and led her to learn many lessons in life. The author has jotted down all the life lessons we might find in other self-help books and together they make reading this 480-page book a wholesome experience. Not a book to binge-read, it’s a slow and steady process, a few chapters a day, all the way pondering over the strategy shared.


The chapters for each strategy have effective and short worksheets that help us become a better version of ourselves. Even though the book is big, it’s not a difficult read and I finished each chapter slowly to grasp the main message. The language is very easy and pleasing to the mind as if a friend is advising us. Minimal but effective and detailed illustrations add up to the beauty of this marvellous work.


Certainly a book to be read and re-read, I can declare that this is my favourite non-fiction read of all time till now. I’ve never read anything of this kind. With multiple lessons to learn and grow as a better individual, this book is definitely an underrated gift from the author to the world who’s trying to make the world a fairer place and everybody a better human being.

Harsh Tyagi
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good Reads

Australian author Andrea T. Edwards has lived globally – in North America, Europe, Thailand and Singapore, and from that exposure she promotes creating and living in a better world together in People Power. She is known as The Digital Conversationalist in her role as a business to business communications professional, empowering others to ‘step into all the opportunities in the digital space.’ Her books to date – 18 STEPS TO AN ALL-STAR LINKEDIN PROFILE and now UNCOMMON COURAGE.

Andrea’s life experiences allow her to mold stories from different vantages, stories that range from personal relationships to business observations, parenting, and even coping with the increasingly complex world of the social media. Her lilting writing style draws the reader into her generous opinion of the opportunity to improve ourselves and the world in which we live.

As she states in her opening of the book, ‘Written from my heart to yours, [the book] is here to help you embrace your best life, regardless of what is going on around you. No mater how good or how bad things are, this is about the mindset that helps you live your best life all the time. It’s not easy, and it takes constant vigilance, but it works. It really does…once you fully embrace the deeper wisdoms of peace, love, and joy, well…you need to embrace them all the time, regardless of external influence, and especially not just when the going is good. Because real wisdom means connecting deeply to who you are from a place of profound love – for self, for community, for the world. Love is really all there is.’

What follows is a collection of stories from thoughts and ideas of Andrea’s life, related in her seven kinds of wisdom: self-awareness, self-empowerment, empowering others, external influence, social leadership, career thoughts, and climate courage.

The communication is light-hearted yet potent, and reading this book will likely produce positive changes in all of us to become a better human and make the world a better place. Very highly recommended.

👍 Top Contributor: Children’s Books


Grady Harp
Los Angeles, CA United States

I found in “Uncommon Courage” a book with such a positive vibe that it was hard for me to put down once I started reading it.

It offers us 108 interlinking strategies to start thinking differently and instill once and for all optimism in our own minds and lives.

The narrative becomes inviting and the invitation includes being courageous enough to live in this world every single day. It is a practical book which one of the main aims is inner transformation and reflection.

After reading it, I realized it was not that difficult to think and reflect upon my current life and visualize myself in the future and understand that I am not late anywhere, I am right in the place and time I should be right now.

Susan B
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good Reads

Practical advice and insights for everybody looking for courage to step outside their comfort zone

Climate Courage, Social Leadership, Building your own Narrative, having courage to be whoever you want to be. Andrea Edwards authenticity shines through this adventure guide to being uncommonly courageous, stepping outside your comfort zone and diving into the unknown.

Andrea’s practical steps to simple ways to take the leap, push yourself to be ok with who you are and using your voice for good, is a guide we can all reference any time we experience self-doubt or the inner voice which so often holds us back.

Having walked the walk, Andrea shares her own uncommon courageous experiences, leaping into the unknown on multiple occasions and surfacing with a stronger, happier family unit taking on the world.

With an accompanying workbook to help you explore what resonates most for your adventure, anyone can utilise this practical guide to keep reinventing and avoid settling for the status quo.


Wendy McEwan

Professional An Invitation You’ll Want to Accept: Find Your “Uncommon Courage” | BookTrib

The first thing I thought when I picked up Uncommon Courage by global award-winning B2B communications professional and certified speaker Andrea T Edwards was, “what a BIG book!” But the subtitle is “An Invitation” so how can you pass that up? And then cracking open the book, it looked so inviting just as the subtitle said … friendly font, boxes with special sections, graphics, drawings and “space.” It truly did look inviting!

The back of the book says, “Uncommon Courage is an invitation to be your courageous best self every day. It’s an antidote to the overwhelm, fear and rage rolling around the world. It brings you a path to contentment, peace and happiness.” Well, I’m in. Let’s get started!




I have to say that this is a very unique book and well worth its weight (literally). It is not your typical self-help book. It is full of stories and inspiration, and, at the same time, Andrea is like your cheerleader in life. She says that the book came to be from her “50 Wisdoms in 50 Days” videos that she put out during the start of the pandemic. They were messages of encouragement and hope during this difficult time we were all going through; they then became the impetus for this book (with 50 messages blossoming into 108!).

Uncommon Courage is meant to help you embrace life regardless of everything else going on around you. According to Andrea, “once you fully embrace the deeper wisdom of peace, love, and joy, well … you need to embrace them all the time, regardless of external influence, and especially not just when the going is good.”


All the messages in the book fit into seven key wisdoms:

Empower others
External influence
Social leadership
Career thoughts
Climate courage

The messages include such topics as:

Do you have voices in your head?
Worry is a waste of time
Let people be dicks sometimes
Integrity and values
Beware the victim mindset
You’ve just got to do you
Focus on the best in people
Seize your moments


And 100 more!



I learned that 90% of the things we worry about never come to pass, and maybe even 99%, which “means that the only real effect of worry is that it stops us from moving forward.” The best thing you can do, then, is to put all that energy spent on worry into focusing on changing the situation. “Worry won’t change the situation – but actions will.”


Give each other the benefit of the doubt. This is how we make room for grace. “When we don’t give the benefit of the doubt, we lock people into being their worst selves, even if it was just momentary,” since ultimately, “when you really let the negative emotions go, you are giving a gift to yourself.”


Trusting your own council is a strength – not weakness or arrogance. “You take input and advice from those around you and then you draw your own conclusions based on your knowledge, your experience, and your insights” because when it comes right down to it, “The only goal in life is working out who you are.”




In the afterword, Andrea’s husband, Steve (who we feel like we get to know in the book), says that the book is “thought provoking, scary and exciting, all at the same time.” He is right about that. Andrea takes us on this journey with her as she “unpacks her 50 years of life experiences recounting amazing and humbling interactions around the world through the lens of her boundless and unquestionable curiosity.”


This book is packed full of words of encouragement, inspiration, humor, humility and practical advice that you can actually apply to your own life. As Andrea says, “pick something you can change today and just start.” That’s it … pure and simple.

Barbara Wilkov

Title Booklife Critics Report 2022


  • Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
  • Originality: 8 out of 10
  • Prose: 9 out of 10
  • Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
  • Overall: 8.50 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Edwards puts forth concrete ideas on creating a more positive world, specifying the audience for her guidance carefully while structuring the text in an intuitive, approachable manner.

Prose: The prose manages to be both entertaining and enlightening. Edwards’s style is effortless, and the book’s many activities are self-explanatory.

Originality: Uncommon Courage draws from familiar self-help elements, but Edwards injects originality through the book’s use of unique metaphors and a wealth of hands-on exercises.

Character/Execution: Full of accessible information and easy-to-use activities, this guide offers readers an abundance of exercises that can be tailored to meet individual needs. The structure is similar to a workbook, and Edwards delivers on her objective to help readers achieve their best life.

Book Life
Uncommon Courage by Andrea Edwards | BookLife

My go-to coffee companion. This book, by my beautiful friend Andrea T Edwards, is never out of reach. Full of wisdom but not preachy, sprinkled with beautiful anecdotes and lots of humour, this is a book you never “finish”. You keep it to hand, even when you have read it through, and open it up at a random page as you have your morning coffee. It never fails to inspire. A soothing respite from the crazy world we find ourselves in and the nudge we all need to play our part in fixing it.


Maeve Henry,

Looking for a Christmas present #bookrecommendation? It’s written by a dear friend of mine Andrea T. Edwards, CSP but this is not a review born of loyalty alone.

#UncommonCourage is the antidote to apathy in the face of a difficult world. It’s full of love, wisdom and practical exercises to help us become ‘kinder, compassionate, open, self-aware and constructively self-critical’. If you’ve felt at a loss to know how to make a difference in the face of 

our environmental, political and social iss

ues, this is a breath of fresh air and practical help.


Anna Jane Franklin
Market Strategist

The Book Whisperer recommends Uncommon Courage The Book Whisperer Recommends an Unusual Self-Help Book – Uncommon Courage: An Invitation by Andrea T. Edwards has received a great deal of praise. After reading much of the book, but not all of it, I am inclined to agree with those who have found the book helpful, useful, and thought-provoking—and yes, even funny. Uncommon Courage is not the kind of book I read often. I chose it because of words like passionate, inspirational, powerful, and honesty others have used to describe it. Given the state of the world today and the past two years of continuing angst over COVID and other things we cannot control, I felt that Uncommon Courage offered me a respite—perhaps even a road map of sorts—from fear and a way to regain optimism.

Read more of the review
The Book Whisperer

Five Star review from the Book Commentary

Andrea takes readers on an entirely new journey of learning through her personal experiences while keeping a perfectly balanced pace. The book will remind readers of a bonfire party where the wise would share their stories and wisdom with those who cared. From leaders to students and learners, this book will come along as a gem, one filled with manifold lessons and insights into life.
Above all, it gives readers the tools they need to take the lead in their lives. Written in gorgeous prose and in a voice that is both compassionate and captivating, Uncommon Courage invites readers into frank and meaningful conversions with themselves, their culture, and those around them.


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The Book Commentary

There are so many aha moments in Andrea T Edwards Uncommon Courage: An invitation. I laughed, cried and enjoyed adding #wisdoms from this read into my life. Andrea has a unique approach, amazing insight, empathy and the ability to take the knowledge from hindsight good or bad with wisdom and considered reflection. This is definitely not a book you read and then it journeys to the book shelf, it’s out on the desk ready when I need to reflect or seek wisdom guidance. Great read, loved it.

Anna Elliot
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good Reads

There are countless numbers of self-help books available on the market.

Sometimes it can even seem as though there are more books than problems that exist in the human experience. However, author Andrea T. Edwards in her book Uncommon Courage: An Invitation, offers a different type of solution to the foibles of existence, and one that definitely strikes a chord.

Drawing from her globetrotting experience, Andrea organizes the knowledge she has gained into 7 different kinds of wisdom. She dedicates subsequent chapters to each topic and provides helpful self-analysis questions and notes throughout. She also provides a free workbook which you can download to enable you to really delve deep and get the most that one can out of her writing.

I found the book to be very encouraging and even if not everything mentioned was applicable to my own personal situation, I feel that there is absolutely something in the book for everyone. For anyone wanting an encouraging and adaptable way to get one’s life to a better state, I would definitely recommend reading this book.

Märtha Custis
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good Reads

<b>Brilliant, actionable discovery</b><br><br>

It is not often that you find such a straightforward, easily followed guide for life. Uncommon courage gave me an insight into myself that I didn’t realise I was looking for, and it is written in an easy to understand and hugely personal way. It really is a delight to read. Andrea’s real life stories have me feeling like I am a part of her journey, and in a world that feels more impersonal each day, that is a wonderful experience. I would highly recommend.


Nicole Lockart

Daytona Beach Shores FL Book Club Member Barb B reviewed Uncommon Courage by Andrea T Edwards (Book Trib Book) Self Help Book. She LOVED it. She encouraged her grandson to read and use it and he is enjoying it as well.

“This book brings joy to the heart and soul. I love the honesty that she imparted in her stories. For instance, telling you at the beginning that parts of the book may not be for you – so don’t read them! Sometimes you have to be tough to get bad thoughts that sometimes come into your heart. Tell them to “Get the Hell out!” She imports her knowledge into how to handle many situations- personal, job, business, and many more. I can’t remember a book I have enjoyed more.” #BookTribBookClub#BookTribBC

Kim Hovanecz
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good Reads

“Uncommon Courage was a refreshing read providing engaging insights, perspectives and connections of a family that has thrived in a place and time of triumphs and curveballs. The author’s journey is relatable, inspiring and simply a wonderful story to tell.”

Joel Fisher,
Educator at UWCT Thailand

“Uncommon Courage” by Andrea T. Edwards, this precious book reached my hands at a very right moment in my life.
I might have had a different view at times (rarely though), yet I was positively absorbed by the writer’s perspectives and immensely touched by her raw, genuine, transparent shares/observations from her life’s kaleidoscope. Much reflections were triggered.
What stood out often is the notion of self-awareness; a gift for growth in my eyes.
I also enjoyed the format of the book: short thematic wisdoms, the self-work tools offered after most chapters (+ the workbook ), and the very cool illustrations. I was looking forward to the next chapter like a surprise.
And (that one is a first), I loved the look and feel of it; yes, even the texture of the paper pages felt good.
Thank You Andrea!

Muriel Boutin-Becuwe, 
An awesome human

Congratulations to you as an Excellent Author of the Best Book “UNCOMMON COURAGE”. The extraordinary contents of this book are filled with relevant words, feelings and motivation, and are most beneficial to young eager students, researchers, academics and sensitive readers. Kudos to you for your diligence and real hard work by bringing out the book in such a rich and praiseworthy format.🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀

Jai Pal Arya

Social Media Connection

Dare to be happy. Andrea Edwards is the author of Uncommon Courage: An invitation, a good self-help book.

As the author says, it has 108 interlinking strategies to shift your thinking, improve your mood, and lighten your heart. It is about courage, bravery and how to find the strength to do things differently.

It is the type of book for people who need a very positive view of life. It is full of tips and advice to improve our life. Although it is very peaceful, sometimes too much for me, I felt that it inspired me to be happy.

I liked it because I think it is sincerely written from the writer’s own personal experiences. In my opinion, it can positively impact the lives of many people.

Aneley Sánchez
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good Reads