Young people, please vote! This is YOUR future. Don’t let them silence you
I find this insightful and depressing at the same time. Sure, it’s just one group of young people expressing...
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Andrea T Edwards
We are baking in the Global South
Southeast Asia, the Indian sub-continent, and parts of Africa are all sitting in the eye of an extreme...
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Andrea T Edwards
How many mass die-offs or extinctions will we accept before we act?
Mass die-offs are being reported at a rapid rate these days, and the numbers are escalating. One has...
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Andrea T Edwards
NASA climate leader, we need more data, we need to work faster
Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, published an article in Nature...
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Andrea T Edwards
We are not ready for wet bulb temperatures, and yet it’s here
This week, Phuket officials issued stark warnings about heat stroke risks due to wet bulb temperatures,...
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Andrea T Edwards
We can’t afford war, we never could
Are you ready to go to war? Are you ready to send your children or grandchildren to war? No? Then we...
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Social leadership
It’s OK to take a break from social media!
Over the holidays, I saw a connection share they took a few days off social media, and when they came...
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Andrea T Edwards
How much does Halloween cost the earth?
Halloween celebrations are exploding all over the world, but what does that mean for earth? Costumes...
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Andrea T Edwards
Get prepared for extreme heat – tips for individuals, communities, businesses and governments
All countries in the Global South are not ready for these heat extremes, and seeing what has happened...
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Andrea T Edwards
With extreme weather events, how to spot misinformation
Fake information is everywhere, and I know it’s hard to see straight when we are being bombarded with...
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Andrea T Edwards #ClimateActionNow
Six climate actions we can all do right now
In 2023 records have been shattered all over the globe – heat, fire, rain, drought and more. We are in...
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Andrea T Edwards
Adaptation for wet bulb temperatures (the short version)
What can we do to prepare for un-liveable heat? The most important part, as always, is educating ourselves!...
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Uncommon Courage, an invitation, by Andrea T Edwards
Uncommon Courage #79 A time for reflection
IT FELT LIKE WE WERE ALL given a big time out during the pandemic. We were sent to our rooms and told...
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Andrea T Edwards
We are in the ‘Plague Phase’ for humanity
This article - Yes, the Climate Crisis May Wipe out Six Billion People - is a great read and simply explains...
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Climate emergency
What does peak oil mean to you and I?
This is the year it’s predicted we’ll reach peak oil. Read this article if you don’t understand what...
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Uncommon Courage #31 Manbassadors
WHAT’S A MANBASSADOR? They are men with a particularly powerful attitude and a whole lot of integrity....
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Climate Courage Andrea T Edwards
Climate Courage: is where I’m living safe?
In a recent Climate Courage, we focused on where we live and the risks we face. Never a pleasant conversation,...
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Andrea T Edwards
The humility of four extreme weather events in four months
Since July this year, I have personally experienced four extreme weather events on three continents –...
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Climate courage
Welcome to Climate Courage – the actions we can all take, an introduction
As I was wandering around Europe over the summer, I spent a lot of time thinking: how can I do a better...
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Andrea T Edwards
How do we clean up the Klongs (canals) in Phuket?
All over the world the waste crisis is escalating and it’s out of control. It’s truly horrific to see...
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Andrea T Edwards Climate Courage
How to get your family committed to reducing meat consumption
I LOVE meat. Love it. Always have, always will. But the abundance of meat is one of the key challenges...
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Shirley Taylor
Hot tips for a successful return home with ‘Shirley from Sheffield’
After nearly half a lifetime living away from her home country in the UK, Shirley decided it was finally...
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Andrea T Edwards
Does jetlag really last this long? Or is it something else?
We’re coming up to three weeks since returning to Thailand from Europe, and I just can’t turn my body...
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Uncommon Courage: an invitation, by Andrea T Edwards
Uncommon Courage #28 The one minute meditation
I DEVELOPED THIS ONE-MINUTE meditation for my executive clients at IBM, BNP Paribas Securities Services,...
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Andrea T Edwards
Multiple resources for eco-anxiety from institutions to books to videos
At the start of 2022, there was a surge in climate change awareness, it was both a huge relief (we’d...
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Andrea T Edwards
Uncommon Courage #26 Epiphanies on Anger
ONE OF THE GREATEST LESSONS I’ve learned in life is about letting go of anger. When I was a young person,...
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Andrea T Edwards
Uncommon Courage #20 Trust your own counsel
NOT EVERYBODY IS IN A POSITION to give you meaningful advice. Why would they? Everyone comes at life...
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Andrea T Edwards
When did we accept so much contempt in our societies?
I went to Bangkok a couple of weeks ago. It was my first time “on the road” for two years and it was...
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Andrea T Edwards
What can I do to act on climate change? Actions we can all embrace
When it comes to the multiple planetary crisis's we face, it’s can be a very overwhelming and confusing...
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Social leadership
How do we step out of the social media rage? Here’s six tips
We can't control anyone else's behaviour on social media, but we can control our own. Here's my six tips...
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Uncommon Courage by Andrea T Edwards
Uncommon Courage #6 Let people be dicks sometimes
EVERY ONE OF US has been a dick at some point or another. Dickishness is when we act out of character,...
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In 2022, let's get single use items out of our lives
When you see titles like: Chemical pollution has passed safe limit for humanity – you know we’re in for...
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Uncommon Courage #1 Get out of your life!
My own personal-growth case study started in 1992 in Egypt. I was 22, blonde, and an army musician. It...
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