Driving up my arse
Stop driving up my arse!
do the speed limit, I always have and I don’t apologise for it. Driving is a chill out time for me, not...
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Mama Mia by Mia Freedman
Great Yarns – ‘Mama Mia’ by Mia Freedman
Being a voracious reader, I love getting recommendations for good books. One recent recommendation was...
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Couples porn
My husband.... keeping the bedroom bonfire burning
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world having the husband I have. Steve is a wonderful man - all...
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Celebrity bollocks
Celebrity Bollocks... Curtis Stone gets a serve
So did anyone see the breaking news this week? Apparently Curtis - aka Coles celebrity chef – was caught...
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Living in Noosa
Future ponderings.... is Noosa right for us right now??
It’s just over a year since we left Singapore, and in September it will be one year in Noosa, so time...
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Bloody kids
Bloody kids... wrapped around my legs
As any mother knows, something about being the one who delivers babies into the world guarantees you...
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Women I admire
Great Yarns – “Committed” by Elizabeth Gilbert
You’ve probably read “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert - it was a sensation around the globe for...
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Human connection
Sometimes you just meet the people you need to meet at the right time!
The year 2009 was a pretty strange time for us. We were happily ensconced in Singapore, thinking another...
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Bloody kids
Bloody kids..... emotions were running high this morning
So Lex get’s less than 10 hours sleep (which is not unusual although he needs more) and then comes in...
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The Wire first season
TV sensations – you’ve got to see “The Wire”
Steve and I recently finished all five seasons of “The Wire,” another fantastic HBO Original Series....
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American Idol is over
What to watch on TV?
Well American Idol is over for another year.... This time of year always sucks for Steve and I. From...
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Living in Noosa
My first proper break after nearly four years... didn't go as planned!
Anyone who’s become a Mum knows how bloody intense the first few years are. It is an amazing time but...
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100th birthday
Grandma's 100th Birthday
I had the pleasure of attending my Grandma’s 100th birthday recently. Pretty amazing stuff living that...
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Celebrity Bollocks... ... Miley Cyrus gives a lap dance at 16
Miley Cyrus has hit the headlines this week because she got caught on video, at the age of 16, giving...
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Crystal Bowersox
American Idol has upped the drama this year!!!
Steve and I got into American Idol about five seasons ago and we bloody love it.
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Metaphysical experiences
The Ghost Who Tried to Shag Me
I reckon I’ve had a lot of life experience and that’s something I’ve definitely sought on my journey...
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