I just want to elaborate on the vagina discussion one more time...
It seems a few are interested, so I wanted to add to my earlier blogs on a disturbing trend amongst young...
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A four year olds’ shake down
Lex is a remarkable little lad for many reasons, but one of the things I love about him is he really...
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I still miss Steve Irwin
We went to Australia Zoo today. It’s Lex’s 4th birthday so we thought, what better way to celebrate it...
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Conan, Jay Leno, Dave Letterman... they’re all shit!!!
Oh terrific, Conan is back from the wilderness and doing another late night show – AWESOME. So...
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New Magnum Packaging Beautiful but Hello! Environment...
Dear Streets Ice-cream C/o Unliver I write to express some concerns over the packaging of your new Magnum...
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Vaginoplasty and Labioplasty Surgery Trebled in last Decade!
Here you go (click on title for link to the story) – the number of government funded operations...
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Celebrity Bollocks... the knives are out for Gordon Ramsay
I’ve got to say that I’ve never been interested in Gordon Ramsay. He comes across as a total prick on...
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Mum made it home
For anyone interested, Mum made it home and didn’t get lost in Europe. She’s home a couple...
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Memory lane - My brother’s mates
A little while ago I posted a blog on Billy Idol, where I mentioned the quality of mates my older brother...
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Bloody kids... standing around
There’s a lot of stuff I could comment on regarding the tedious shit a parent endures, especially in...
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Saudi Women can’t even be Check out Chicks!
I don’t like to get too opinionated about the rules of other nations in regards to women, because we...
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Car puking - whose way was the right way?
Steve and I had completely opposite parenting experiences. Steve’s was along the lines of you can play...
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Pooh Dust Biggest Cause of Global Warming
I was reading an article in Australian Women’s Health about going vego, something I’ve been wanting to...
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The femos Vs the lads mags
I love their style – check this out. Yours, without the bollocksAndrea
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Smoking ones’ Vagina
My great mate Libs mentioned a new trend doing the rounds at luxury spas these days – apparently you...
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Don’t ask, don’t tell
In 1991 I made the worst decision I’ve ever made and the best. I joined the Australian Army. I was recruited...
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Australia’s first saint
It’s official, Australia has its first Saint, which according to my brother “it’s about bloody time.”...
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The Games are Over
Bummer, the end has come for the Commonwealth Games in Delhi and we’re going to miss it. Steve and I...
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I’m sorry, but I just don’t get the “Pandora” excitement
When we landed in Australia about 14 months ago, I kept hearing advertising for Pandora. I thought it...
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Bloody kids... and the kindness of a stranger
I took over the mantle of being the parent present for Jax’s haircut yesterday – to date I have successfully...
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Company in Canine Form
There’s quite a perplexing advert on TV in Australia at the moment. It features an oldish dude, who you...
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How awe inspiring are the elite athletes with a disability?
I’ve got to say, one of the biggest highlights of the Games for me has been the elite athletes with a...
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International Swimmers Attire
I definitely appreciate the science and research that goes into swimsuit designs for our international...
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Australia’s Swimming Obsession
I asked Steve the other night what the attitude is to swimmers in the UK – I mean are swimmers famous?...
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Nature is a Show Off!
Last night I was standing outside, watching the amazing storm that has been battering Noosa for the past...
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I’m not particularly enamoured with the Australian commentary at the Games, especially the gymnast commentary...
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Toilet humour is what the Commonwealth was built on – well the antipodes
While watching a great night of swimming yesterday, I thought I heard Nicole Livingstone say shit. Then...
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A sore vagina surely?
I caught a bit of the women’s gymnastics last night – it’s pretty amazing stuff to watch and I’ve got...
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It’s Commonwealth Games Time Yippee!!!!
As with most Australians, I love international sporting events, like the Olympics and the Commonwealth...
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Advert watch... Barbie is a Race Car Driver
A Barbie advert popped up on TV the other day and my first reaction was Barbie has come a long way. Then,...
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It’s been a long week
Well it’s been a week since the operation and it doesn’t seem like Lex is getting too much better. He...
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Bloody kids... pulling at your heart strings
I’ve gotta tell ya, since having kids, I’ve never known emotional intensity like it. Every day they pull...
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Tropic Thunder – how we laughed
For the first time since Lex’s operation, Steve and I sat down, relaxed and watched a movie. Tropic Thunder...
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