I still miss Steve Irwin

We went to Australia Zoo today. It’s Lex’s 4th birthday so we thought, what better way to celebrate it than go there, especially as it’s just up the road? We went for the first time about six months ago and it really is a beautiful zoo. Everyone you interact with around the animals is so passionate and that is one aspect that makes it special. But of course, the thing that makes it really special for me was a magnificent human being – you might know of him? Steve Irwin.

When the news came out that he died, I cried and cried, and then I kept on crying for three days. And every now and again I’ll still get choked up about it… Steve (my hubby) was a little bit shocked by my reaction to the news (in fact, I was a little bit shocked,) because I felt such a deep sense of loss when it happened, and it felt like a really mortal blow for mankind – is that too dramatic? But then, I know I’m not alone in how I feel.

The reality is I just loved him. He was so passionate and excited and dorky – he was beautiful! For me Steve (and a few others) represented balance in a world where we seem to almost accept anger and hatred. Every time you turn on the news people are hurting each other on both a large and a small scale – in fact people hurt those closest to them every day and that causes me an element of despair, because if we can’t even get on with those we love, or loved once, what’s the chance of ever seeing world peace? I just felt that Steve Irwin contributed to giving our world balance, by showing people that there was another way to live.

Steve showed the world that it is great to feel true passion for something, no matter the critics, and while we aren’t all built to be wild life warriors, imagine if you found your “thing” and lived and breathed it every day in a way that really contributed to the betterment of the world? It doesn’t even need to be much, but living your life with passion, waking up every day excited to get going… that’s one of the gifts he gave us. A lot of people write about this stuff in self help books, but Steve was a living embodiment of it every day of his life. He was a special man.

On both visits to the zoo, it’s hard to ignore Steve. Everywhere you go there are pictures, images, words and reminders of the great man. I have to admit that a few times today (and the last time) I got pretty choked up, realising that I still miss him and can’t help continuing to feel that the world lost someone truly great the day he died. I wish his family well in pushing on with his legacy. It’s definitely not going to be an easy road to travel, but the kids are working hard at it and I truly do wish them the best.

Thanks for the hope you gave Steve. Many remain inspired by you and every day I work hard to keep hold of my passions and remain committed to never ever doing anything that doesn’t make me spring out of bed every morning with a big smile on my face. There’s no point to that now is there?

We had a great day today. The boys loved it and there’s a little bit of magic at work in the world when you have the opportunity to watch children wrapped up in the wonder of seeing and interacting with animals. The ice cream treat was pretty special too – especially the stress levels of English Grandma and Grandpa struggling with the messiness factor…

Yours, without the bollocks

One Response

  1. Meanwhile Terry is featured in this months Women's Day, with the front cover story "My Body Building Secret" … the pictures prove she has been working hard but if I wasn't so PC I would say, she looks like a lesbian to me!

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