Is Hungry Ghost Month Over?

There are lots of wonderful things about living in Asia, all sorts of traditions that are a bit out there for a foreigner, and one of the highlights for me is Hungry Ghost Month. The tradition is during the seventh month of the year, you should not do normal activities, like buying or moving into […]

It’s Wine Time

As it’s coming up to the weekend, I wanted to share a wonderful little tip I was given many years ago by a British School Mam who was in charge of a very prestigious private school – how to buy great wine anywhere in the world. You see, in Australia I knew my wine. I […]

Looking for a Reason to Smile?

Well apparently it makes you feel better. Doh you say? Well a couple of dudes spent seven years experimenting to prove this fact. You see I’ve just read “Blink” by Malcolm Gladwell, a book that discusses the decisions we make within the blink of an eye. Things like whether or not we like someone, if […]

Before Sunset and a Memory of New Love

 Dawn on our first day of marriageBoob on right belongs to Siobhan Last night Steve and I accidentally watched ‘Before Sunset,’ starring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, and considering we were expecting a Pierce Brosnan/Woody Harrelson comedy, it was quite a surprise. But it was a wonderful surprise and took us back to our […]

A Shamanistic Experience

I feel like a lucky girl, because I’ve met so many amazing people across every corner of the globe – all of whom have their stories and their own peculiar interests, their diverse backgrounds, faiths, or they’re atheists – I don’t care what people’s stories are, I’ve just appreciated meeting them all, apart from a […]

I Should be Dead Many Times Over

Do you think we’re here for a reason? Or do you think there’s no purpose – we live, we die, it’s all over? For many reasons I won’t have time to go into here (one was written up in my ghost shagging blog,) I think there is a purpose, and while I’m not sure what […]