Why do Dentists’ Use Cold Shit?

I was in the States last week and as I was chewing on one of the softest chocolate bars available – a Mars Bar – I felt that all too familiar crunch of a tooth mixed in amongst the creamy goodness. Awesome. There aren’t many things – for me – to beat “that” feeling, but […]

Bloody Hell, a Couple of Weeks!

I’ve got to get my ideas around relaxation sorted out a bit, or perhaps reconsider the whole work-life balance malarkey?  Here’s a dash through two weeks. Two Monday’s ago I ran the event of my life. It officially started at 6pm on Monday, which meant a lot of running around from early morning until that […]

A Super Guilty Mumma Today

It’s Lex’s 7thbirthday today. He doesn’t know it’s his birthday – we’ve told him it’s on Friday – but no matter how you cut it, I am the guiltiest Mumma in the world right now. The challenge is I’ve got no choice – especially if I don’t want to break his heart. You may have […]