A Super Guilty Mumma Today

It’s Lex’s 7thbirthday today. He doesn’t know it’s his birthday – we’ve told him it’s on Friday – but no matter how you cut it, I am the guiltiest Mumma in the world right now. The challenge is I’ve got no choice – especially if I don’t want to break his heart. You may have noticed I’ve gone a little quiet on my blog and pretty-much everywhere else in my life in recent months. It’s because I’ve been absorbed in organizing a very high profile event, and it’s taking place in Singapore today. Fortunately it’s going brilliantly. Such a relief. A lot of people have sweated blood to ensure it does.

I saw Lex for about 20 minutes this morning, and I won’t see him tonight. I didn’t see him yesterday and I won’t see him tomorrow.

In addition to me being here and away from him all day, Steve managed to get a trip booked to Saudi Arabia for a major industry event this week as well. Our first big work clash. Suffice to say, he is an equally guilty Dadda too. Both of us are working hard on the tear-controlling front – bloody kids!

It’s super important to me to honor my boy’s birthdays. I want them to feel over-the-top special, and I know it comes from having a New Year’s Day birthday, which was always tough growing up in Australia – summer holidays, friends away, etc..

So Happy Birthday Lex my love. You are the biggest pain in my arse, but god how I love you. I know you will do remarkable things with your life.

Until Friday little man, and then we’re really going to celebrate, because we’re going to Universal Studios at long last. He’s definitely going to get very spoilt!

Yours, without the bollocks


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