Motherhood a Series of No Mores

Uncommon Courage

I was having a chat with a couple of Mum’s recently (all with kids around 4-6) and these various ladies were telling me how they are struggling to find strategies to stop doing things for their kids. One of them told me her little fella won’t do a pooh at school and waits until he […]

Raising Gentlemanly Sons

Andrea T Edwards

My hubby Steve has made it his life’s mission to turn our boys into gentlemen. It’s very sweet. At the grand old age of six and seven, they know you should never go into a ladies’ handbag – although that rule is always ignored if Tic Tacs are on show. Another rule they have picked […]

Ding Dong the Rat is Dead

For those closely watching “The Rat in the Coffee Machine Affair” (please refer to my previous blog), you’ll be pleased to know that Vick has been victorious. A determined woman at the best of times, I was rather pleased to be in Taipeithis week when victory was finally announced. In case anyone else has to […]