Kid Holidays are Knackering

Returning from the jungle About 10 years ago, my awesome friends Carl and Lorna came to visit us in Singapore after a long and relaxing holiday in Thailand. Their boys – Ike and Archie, who were approximately six and two at the time – arrived late into Singapore (wine tasting in the airport distracted them […]

Making Life Beautiful

We’re staying on the not-so-luxurious island of Bintan – one of Indonesia’s thousands of islands, about a 45 minute boat ride from Singapore – and while it’s nowhere near a dream holiday destination by any stretch of the imagination, it’s been nice to get away with the boys and stay by the beach for a […]

I am a Witch

The boys are having a bit of a fear-fest around witches. It’s been growing in momentum for some time, but recent viewings of “Scooby Doo” have left my little loves quite fearful. Awesome. I’m really loving that. Being a very traditional Mother, I’ve decided to take a slightly different approach in discussions, suggesting that “Witches […]

Memories of Kiss Chasey

My little Lex (seven) told me he was playing kiss chasey yesterday. I was absolutely delighted to hear it, because I have some very fond memories of kiss chasey myself. He told me this girl – with a big big big brother in a green shirt – was chasing him all around one of Singapore’s […]

I’m Just Glad he Lived in My Time

Like most people, I’ve been having lots of conversations about Mandela today. I feel as if there’s a big, beautiful feeling engulfing the world right now, one that is reflective of the impact a truly loving and magnificent person had on all of us. I reckon we should all just wrap ourselves up in this […]