Facing up to the Fear of my MC Debut

Andrea T Edwards

I’m not one of those people who fear public speaking, which is probably due to the fact I was on stage from the youngest age playing music. With that said, neither am I a limelight seeker, often preferring to be in the background focusing on the experience being amazing for those in the audience – […]

I Stopped and then I STOPPED

Andrea Edwards

This week has been my first week off after nearly two years at Microsoft in Asia. The two years was definitely an amazing journey – professionally and personally – however, during this time I worked at such a level of intensity that when the day came to just stop, I could hardly move. The intensity […]

Kids do Sleep in Eventually Right?

Andrea T Edwards

We are bamboozled parents. Nearly eight years into this parenting malarkey and do you think we ever get a morning off? I’ve written about this before, because it’s definitely the thing I have enjoyed least since becoming a parent, but seriously, enough already! My treasures…. We had a late night last night – a Halloween/end-of-a-work-chapter […]