My Oscars Stitch & Bitch

I don’t think I’ve seen a single Oscar nominated movie this year. Two reasons, children and no Gold Class Cinemas in Noosa. Thankfully we’re back in the land of full time baby sitters AND Gold Class access, because seriously, once you’ve gone Gold, there’s no going back! So let’s start with the positives from the […]

What’s the Jive with all the Drive?

I’m a pretty driven person. I always have been. When I was a teenager I decided my personal theme song was Queen’s “I Want it All… and I Want it Now.” I’d like to think I wasn’t so gung-ho these days, what with all the years’ of “wisdom” behind me – but I regularly send […]

Shit Dads Can be Good for You

I’ve just started a cracking book – “The Book of the Dead” by John Lloyd and John Mitchinson – and one chapter in, I’m hooked. It’s a fascinating point of view on some of the greatest dead people from history. The first chapter focuses on people who had a shit start from a Dad perspective, […]

My Magnificent Husband

I’m hoping Steve doesn’t mind me blogging an ode to him, but he deserves some recognition for the amazing man that he is. Anyone who knows Steve probably knows that he is a remarkably compassionate man. He’s incredibly thoughtful, funny, loving, affectionate, loyal, devoted, an amazing Dadda and husband, and one of the best communicators […]

Singapore, Where the Living is Easy…

Not everyone who has lived in Singapore will agree with me here, but that’s OK. Sometimes Singapore just doesn’t suit people, like Noosa didn’t suit us, but I’ve got to say, we love it. Since returning six weeks ago, we are getting back in to the groove of the place, and discovering new dimensions to […]

Cracking Yarn – Hitch 22

For those who are Christopher Hitchens’ fans, or even for those who detest him, his memoirs “Hitch 22” are a very good read indeed and definitely worth the time. Covering all of the major political events the world has seen over the last three or four decades, his unique position as an intellectual as well […]

When Condo Living is Not So Good

Condo living is great. There’s always something going on, people to meet, kids for the kids to play with and even the occasional argument to listen in on. Cool. Sometimes it’s not so great. For example, just now, I hear a shower outside and think it’s one of the boys playing around with the maid’s […]

I Wish Zoe Would Piss Off!!

Is anyone else being pummelled with Calvin Klein’s Envy advert featuring Zoe? It turns out it’s Zoe Saldana, who apparently was in Avatar – I’m so out of the loop, because I didn’t even know who she was until I just looked it up… but I’ve got to tell you, the best day in the […]

Things I’ll Never Understand…

I went to a public toilet yesterday. It was a nice toilet. Your typical Western style bowl – which is my preference – but there were two dirty big footprints on the seat. This is not an uncommon thing in Asia as squat toilets are still very much a part of life so some girls […]