Gaining time…

So its official, we’re heading back to live in Singapore and this time, the plan is to stay ‘til the boys get through primary school at least. Who knows, we might head elsewhere as both of us would love to experience living in India, but not until the boys understand that they can’t drink water […]

Web Design is Definitely Not my Thing

I’ve been a bit quietly lately as I decided to take on the job of designing the Website. I checked around the area for some Web designers but the good ones were all flat out and as I’m not the most patient person on the planet, I decided screw it – how hard can […]

My Grandmother’s 100 year life advice

I asked my Grandmother a couple of questions recently, as she is officially the oldest person I know. My Grandmother is amazing. She is definitely suffering some pretty intense physical issues that make life pretty uncomfortable, but she’s still going and bright as a button. In fact, Grandma checked herself into a nursing home three […]

Bulging Eye Balls

Many years ago, I was travelling through Central America, I came across the weirdest thing – a person with the ability to pulse their eyeballs. It happened in Mexico. I was out adventuring and along came this youngish Mexican lad who decided I was pretty hot. He offered me lots of wild sex and all […]

Noosa versus Gold Coast Waterfront Developments

We had the absolute pleasure of staying with our great friends Rob and Jules Scullin on the Gold Coast this weekend. It rained all weekend (as is the case down most of Australia’s East Coast at the moment), but it was a lovely time, and apart from getting three hours sleep on Saturday night (as […]

Water Restrictions Defineth the Person

When we arrived on the Sunshine Coast about 15 or so months ago, water restrictions were introduced to Queensland for the first time in history, or the first time in living memory, or whatever first time it was. Anyways, it was pretty dry up here in the tropics until the big WR day came into […]

My first mammogram

I recently went through the sphincter clenching embarrassment of getting a mammogram. It appears that I am now officially within the age bracket that is required to get a screening done every couple of years. Cool! So I’ve got to ask myself – is all dignity gone now? I mean, from 40, do we just […]