Pooh Dust Biggest Cause of Global Warming

I was reading an article in Australian Women’s Health about going vego, something I’ve been wanting to do but my husband ain’t so keen. He’s not one of those “where’s the fucken meat?” kind of guys, but he doesn’t really like the idea of going without it. The boys also love their meat – especially […]

Smoking ones’ Vagina

My great mate Libs mentioned a new trend doing the rounds at luxury spas these days – apparently you can smoke your vagina. My first reaction was yuck, and then about two seconds later I started to find it curiously intriguing. But where the hell does an idea like this come from? So I did […]

Don’t ask, don’t tell

In 1991 I made the worst decision I’ve ever made and the best. I joined the Australian Army. I was recruited as a musician and it was the worst decision because the Army and I ain’t a great combo, but also the best because I learnt lessons about people that have made me more understanding […]

Australia’s first saint

It’s official, Australia has its first Saint, which according to my brother “it’s about bloody time.” My mother has travelled to Rome to enjoy the festivities and while I don’t know how she’s doing, she did Facebook me to say she was having dinner on Lake Galilee as part of her Holy Land pilgrimage. But […]

The Games are Over

Bummer, the end has come for the Commonwealth Games in Delhi and we’re going to miss it. Steve and I have loved tucking up in bed, enjoying moments of pure sporting magic – it’s been bliss. However, we’re also glad the big games are only every two years, because it’s bloody knackering watching TV late […]

I’m sorry, but I just don’t get the “Pandora” excitement

When we landed in Australia about 14 months ago, I kept hearing advertising for Pandora. I thought it was the name of a jewellery shop, but over time, came to understand it was a ‘new way to do jewellery.’ The other day I walked past a jewellery shop and had a look in the window […]

Bloody kids… and the kindness of a stranger

I took over the mantle of being the parent present for Jax’s haircut yesterday – to date I have successfully avoided this responsibility to date. I had previously been off with Lex getting his eyes tested (they’re fine, phew) and during the 30 minute wait he had already endured, Steve was a sweaty mess. Apparently […]

Company in Canine Form

There’s quite a perplexing advert on TV in Australia at the moment. It features an oldish dude, who you eventually realise is in a wheelchair, and he’s talking about what a pain in the arse he is, but he’s got a “friend” from community services who keeps him company, expects nothing from him, and he […]

How awe inspiring are the elite athletes with a disability?

I’ve got to say, one of the biggest highlights of the Games for me has been the elite athletes with a disability (EAD) and this new title has shown the amazingly high regard these folks have gained in the sporting world – well bloody deserved I say. The integration of EADs happened at Manchester in […]