Australia’s first saint

It’s official, Australia has its first Saint, which according to my brother “it’s about bloody time.” My mother has travelled to Rome to enjoy the festivities and while I don’t know how she’s doing, she did Facebook me to say she was having dinner on Lake Galilee as part of her Holy Land pilgrimage.

But she’s in Rome now and I keep looking out for her in the crowd – because she would be quite obvious if the cameras got hold of her – but no luck so far. Ahhh imagine the fun times they’re having? Actually, they do look like they’re having a blast in a nun-like-Christian-kind-of-way, so here’s to Mary Mackillop – the first Australian Saint. It’s actually quite a big deal for a lot of people.

And Mum, please don’t make me call Interpol again? Last time she was in Europe, Kathryn managed to sabotage an American born again Christian bus doing the religious rounds of Europe and just disappeared for two weeks….

From an ex-Catholic, and as always, yours, without the bollocks

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