A year of honouring amazing friendships around the world

Uncommon Courage

I’ve been on the road, travelling and living around the world, since 1995. I’ve lived and worked in Melbourne, London, Boston, New York, Sydney, Singapore, Phuket, Noosa, Singapore and now, Phuket again. Before I left Australia in 1995, I had already built an amazing community of friends, who I adore to this day. And since […]

A month in Phuket, Thailand, in photos

Andrea Edwards

It’s been a month since we moved to Phuket and I decided I would post a photo or video a day – to capture what I’m seeing. I plan to keep going, because it keeps me paying attention and living in the moment, but equally, I am blown away daily by differences.   The pics/videos […]

We are off to a great start in Phuket

Andrea T Edwards

Well it seems we’re off to a great start in our new home, if you ignore the fact I spent the first week close to tears (well in tears if I’m honest) every single day! First day of school for Lex and Jax It was a combination of complete exhaustion, being surrounded by blackened homes […]