A Year of Almost There

 2011 has been a very interesting year for us, and I can say the most common phrase in our home has been “we’re almost there, just keep going, stay positive.” Coming back to Singapore 12 months ago today remains the best decision we’ve ever made, but it was not an easy decision. This is […]

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays

Well it is almost upon us again – and I have no bloody idea where this year went – but I wanted to say Happy Holidays to everyone who reads my blog. I know most of you, but slowly people beyond my circle are reading it too, and I am very grateful for the support. […]

Target Boob-in Scheduled

Perhaps a Global Boycott of ‘Target’ is in Order? A friend from my Boston days, Erica, posted a link today about a “Nurse-In” scheduled to take place at all US Target stores nationwide on December the 28th. This follows a Texan Mom, MichelleHickman, reporting that she was bullied by Target employees for breastfeeding her child […]

An Inspiring Yarn – Life Without Limits

 Book cover, as it appeared on allenandunwin.com Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or legs. In fact, he has two feet, but only one of them is functional – the foot he calls his “Chicken Drumstick.” This foot, and a very strong neck, have allowed Nick to become almost completely independent – something […]

Lesson #1 – Resist Persist

I’ve been thinking a lot about the lessons I’ve been learning on this parenting journey- after the fact of course – and thought it might be good to share a few and hopefully it’ll inspire other parents to share as well. The first HAS to be “What you Resist, Persists.” I can’t remember who made […]

A Disastrous Mother

I spend a lot of time wondering why I was gifted with two magnificent children. I look around at other Mums and in many aspects, I am lacking. Take these last two days. I decided it was my turn to participate in the school activities leading up to Christmas. First up yesterday it was Jax’s […]

A Couple of God Books

I was brought up Catholic. I don’t mind that heritage because it’s given me a very deep understanding of religion as a whole and I like that. However, very early on, I decided practising and following Catholicism wasn’t for me because too many questions had no answers, other than “have faith.” Faith is fine, but […]

Love as a Universal Concept

There’s a lot being written and talked about these days on the importance of us all loving one another, and accepting that we are not separate, but rather a whole mass of energy that makes up one whole. In relation to love, I think the message is a wonderful thing, but at the same time […]