Finding a silver lining in the world’s current predicament

Andrea Edwards

How are you feeling? Excited? Hopeful? Like we’re about to enter the bestest ever chapter in the history of human beings? Yeah me either. It’s been a shitty bloody year all up. John Oliver’s video Fuck You 2016 certainly resonated. You can watch it here if you haven’t. But I recommend you play until the […]

I’m fired up and ready to fight like hell. You with me?

Andrea T Edwards

Like most people I know, I couldn’t see any silver lining in the US election results, and was dropping f-bombs with the best of them. WTF indeed!!! I was shocked, deeply disappointed, pissed off, but mostly, scared for the future of our world. I’ve been vocally anti-Trump from the beginning, not only because his character […]

Why doing video and giving birth are not dissimilar

Andrea Edwards

A friend recently asked me if I’ve enjoyed doing some professional video shoots. Here’s one I’ve done and another if you’re interested. As you’ll notice, it’s not exactly Without the Bollocks style but hey, it’s work…   The move to video is a critical part of what I’m doing, but more importantly, if I want […]