Nice One Gwyneth AND Chris

Permit me to have a little rant please. So Gwyneth and Chris have taken a rather unusual approach in their public announcement of the “separation of their union.” Calling it conscious uncoupling, one would think they’ve just destroyed half the world and infected the rest of the children with some bloody hideous disease. SHIT people! […]

Lex is Growing Up… I Think

A couple of weeks ago, I started to notice some pretty significant changes in Lex. Not only has he gotten more responsible, he’s gotten more vulnerable. He’s needier than he’s ever been, clingy when we’re out and about, super affectionate (which is gorgeous), but mostly, he’s become a little bit scared of taking a risk. […]

Help a Sister and the World Out?

Singapore is breathing a HUGE sigh of relief as the first rain in months arrived recently and for the first time in weeks, the air tasted a bit clean. While the recent haze in Singapore is nowhere near as bad as the filth that swamped us last year (see below a series of pictures from […]

Detaching from the Outcome

Lex got lots of love from his Pop and Nan I recently returned from a really beautiful five days in Australia with my little love, Lex. It’s the first time we’ve split the family in two, but I knew it was important for all of us to have some time apart, so we could remember […]

It’s the Darnedest Thing

Steve arrived home Sunday morning after nearly two weeks away in the US. It’s a tough trip for all of us when he’s away that long (especially the US) because he’s asleep when the boys are up – apart from the morning chaos when we’re all scrambling to get out the door – but equally, […]