My View for the Next Six Weeks

Uncommon Courage

I woke up yesterday morning to a view of the back of Steve’s head, watching the first game of the Rugby World Cup – Fiji Versus England. Thankfully England won, ‘which means I’ve got a happy hubby. They’ll be playing Australia soon and that will be an interesting match to watch together. However, at that […]

I Am Such a Proud Mumma

Uncommon Courage

We had Lex’s parent teacher interview today. These sessions used to fill Steve and me with dread. Not because we didn’t believe in our little guy, but because we never seemed to be able to get the answers to the questions we always had, like: “how can we help him?” Always our least favorite, because […]

Why Mums (aka Moms) Don’t Want Sex

Uncommon Courage

I’m going out on a limb here and speaking on behalf of the mummy sisterhood, but it’s time for it to be said. I need to tell you why mums are averse to sex. It begins with pregnancy. Three things happen during this time – your sex drive stays the same, you become a nymphomaniac, […]

Oh Haze How I Despise Thee

Andrea T Edwards

It’s been more than a week of haze and last night the pollution index passed 200 in Singapore – that’s really really unhealthy and it’s horrible to live in it. I hate the haze. I went through the worst in Singapore’s recorded history back in 2013, when it went well over 700 – which meant […]