Wow, Inspired!

For the last two days, I had the amazing opportunity to attend the Asia Professionals Speakers – Singapore – Annual Convention. My friend Shaun McEwan told me about it and I am so glad he did. It was the greatest professional learning experience of my life. Seriously. Thanks Shaun. I found creative enabler, graphic facilitator Tim […]

Truffle Here, Truffle There, Truffle Every-Bloody-Where!

In the last six months, something has changed in Singapore. Everywhere you go truffles are on the menu. Not the whole truffle, just the flavoring, so when you want to order a simple little portion of French fries to soak up some booze or push the hunger pains away, you get truffle with that! Can I […]

I’m Starting to Enjoy it!

My boys It should come as no surprise to my faithful readers that this motherhood malarkey has not been exactly smooth sailing for moi. Many has been the moment, when the boys are doing my head in, that I find myself metaphorically screaming to the world: “WHEN, EXACTLY, does this mothering job actually become fun?” […]