#4 Devise Tactics and Strategies for Dealing with Boredom

Last year I started a series of blogs on the lessons I’ve learnt as a parent, and while my output has not been prolific on this topic, by the time my “job” of mother is done, I’m sure it’ll be in the thousands.  With my role of “mummy” changing and evolving as my little loves […]

Some Perspective

 Jason and Sarah Right now, at this very moment, an old friend from my brass banding days is having surgery to get a liver transplant. He’s been waiting for weeks on news that a match is available, suffering health trials and being rushed into hospital along the way, as well as turning 40 in […]

A ‘c’ Word I Finally Hate

I have never joined the international women’s collective that damns any use of C U Next Tuesday – that’s lady-speak for the unmentionable, in case you didn’t know. I believe it is a great word, one championed by myself, because let’s face it – every now and again you meet a person and it is […]

Why the West Rules for Now

Book cover, as featured on Amazon.com I’ve just finished reading a monster of a book – “Why the West Rules for Now – The Patterns of History and What They Reveal About the Future” by Ian Morris and I have to say, WHAT A BOOK!! It is an amazing perspective of our world, from the […]

Mother of Two?

I had an article published in Finder Magazine, one of Singapore’s leading expat mags. It was a good result, as we’re trying to build the profile of our kids’ adventure blog – Singaporekids365. As a result of the article, many have checked out the blog, so that’s a win. However, when I first saw the […]

Validation Feels Good!

Adventure Man Lex in Action I don’t need to be right all the time. I’m pretty confident in my knowledge on the subjects I’m interested in, but I don’t claim to know everything, and love nothing more than someone showing me another way of looking at things. I’ve completely reversed many opinions in my life, […]

Vaginal Bleaching… Oh Please No!

A few weeks ago, I posted this article featuring a vaginal lightening product on my Facebook profile, which apparently has gained widespread coverage, including this article in the Daily Mail and this very good video rant – she’s right.Featuring the advertising strap line: ‘Life for women will now be fresher, cleaner and, more importantly, fairer and more […]