Please Let me Sleep

My little lad Jax (four) is having a tough time of it at the moment. He HATES the thunder storms ravaging Singapore, especially those in the wee hours of the morning, and he’s having a bit of a bad run with nightmares – bless.  The tears and gnashing of teeth are momentous, until we welcome […]

The Misery of Working at Toys ‘R’ Us

Our great friend Suz gave the boys a little bit of money so they could buy themselves a new toy. At four and five their understanding of money is not quite there yet, but we’re working on it. They proudly put their cash in their wallets and off we trundled to Toys ‘R’ Us for a […]

American Idol 2012 – a Corker

The final two – photo from Well it’s over ladies and gentlemen – two nights of fantastic TV every week, watching talented youngsters chasing their dreams – until January 2013 that is. Thankfully X Factor isn’t too far away (with Brittany Spears as a judge..) and apparently the producers of Idol have a new talent […]

Goals for Every Day

I was working with my friend Zoe recently, putting together an article discussing her experiences studying Reiki. One of the things she pointed out as guiding inspiration for her study was this: It had a big impact on Zoe because as she said, I can do this for one day surely? And so she’s practised […]

Mother’s Day Ponderings…

I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel a massive sense of relief when Mother’s Day is over. There is always such a HUGE build up to it, with too much mushiness in the mix for me, and the expectations feel so big on everyone involved. But then that’s probably more to do with […]

Why Does Anyone Care About Gay Marriage?

The last week has been pretty interesting on the Gay marriage front don’t you think? The first sitting US president says he supports it (yay for Obama!) and if you missed it, here are his exact words, however in the same week North Carolina re-banned it, but have no issue with their standing law that […]

Religious Un-Programming

Steve and I had dinner with our friends Deb and Dave recently – it was a lovely evening, as it always is with these two. Somehow the conversation got onto religion and I know I didn’t start it, because I learnt long ago that while I might be really passionate about this subject, most people […]

A Thing or Two Kids Could Teach Us

I’m regularly seen out and about in Singapore with my two lads, taking them to the various parks and playgrounds across the island. As I hang around – sweltering in the heat while watching my little loves have fun – I spend a lot of time pondering. A recent ponder is our kids could teach […]