It Takes a Murder, by Anuradha Kumar

When Jax was three, he got the hots for a sweet little girl, Deviyani (also three), and through that love connection I made a terrific new friend, Anu Kumar. Anu is a terrific lady. She’s gentle, loving and sweet, as well as a woman of incredible intelligence and curiosity. As we started getting to know […]

The Other Woman

There’s a magnificent woman in my life, who I lovingly call Aunty Vick. She joined our family in 2007 and while the early days of having a full-time  live-in maid were extremely weird for me, she helped me to get comfortable with my new life and very quickly became an honored and beloved member of our […]

American Idol Predictions 2013

I’m now in my third year of “official” predictions for American Idol and while I’m writing this a little later in the season (usually do it when the top 20 are announced), I decided it’s time to stake my claim once again, because season 12 is cracking, with the girls absolutely standing out. I’m also loving […]

I Don’t Have Time

Life is crazy getting in to and used to working full-time again, as such, how I use my time has been turned on its head. My days are now full doing things I wasn’t doing a month ago, and yet many of the things I was doing before still need to be done, including blogging. […]

Frantic and Forgetful

Well here I am, sitting in a beautiful five star hotel in Sydney, reflecting on the fact that my life has become rather frantic in a very different way the last month. This reflection started on Monday night as I contemplated my first proper business trip in quite a few years. So I’m sitting there […]

My Love

So I got my big boy back after a two week adventure in the US (well it was work not fun) and I’m so very bloody happy to have him home. It’s always hard having him away, not just because it’s intense on the home front trying to manage all aspects of life, but because […]

Can I Resign as Mum?

Steve’s been away for two weeks and the toughest time is weekends – just spending so much of it alone with my mini-men. Fortunately, there’s an amazing woman in my life, Vick, and she is an absolute legend – I don’t know what we’d do without her, a reality we’ll be facing far too soon […]

March Alignment

We’re already into the 3rd month of 2013 and my “Fuck it, Enough” Crusade continues unabated, even though I’ve gone through dramatic changes in the last two weeks getting my head around a new job and all that entails. One of the things I know about making significant changes is to do it in a […]