Looking back, looking forward, embracing hope

Andrea T Edwards

Despair…. If I think to where my mind was this time last year, it was in despair. Despair at the possibility of a Donald Trump Whitehouse. Despair at the direction our world was heading in. Despair at division, hatred, and the impossible chasm that seemed to open between opposing ideas. How could we be in […]

Kiss me mum, kiss me mum

Uncommon Courage

It’s Christmas time and a delightful evolution has happened in my mothering journey. Jax has decided that every night, I must kiss him before he’ll go to sleep.     But not just any kiss.   The challenge I face is: he covers his face with his hands, and I have to remove his hands […]

I have to say it’s a Christmas Miracle in our house right now

Decorating the Christmas tree with my lads, traditionally, has been nothing short of annoying. I’m gunna be honest here – they’ve always been completely useless in helping me get to the final conclusion one is aiming for – a reasonable looking tree.   Historically, well since kids came into my life, the majority of their […]

Who gets lost, twice, hunting for curtains in Phuket?

Andrea T Edwards

Yep me, doh! You see I’m really good with directions (like navigation is a gift-good), so getting lost is not something I embrace. I like to know where I’m going, with no messing around along the way, ‘cos that makes me a grumpy bitch…. Ask Steve.   I’m also a person who does not enjoy […]