Personal & Professional Enrichment

When I launched my personal “Fuck it Enough” crusade back on the 1st Jan 2013, one of my core goals was to join the traditional workforce again, as opposed to working for myself. This decision was made after a lot of navel gazing led to the recognition I needed to be around really smart and […]

I DO Love London

My old pub where I partied with the Aussie Cricketers – circ. 1680 I lived in London from 1995 to 1999 and it was an awesome time in my life. The problem is, it could never be a long-term option because I just HATED the bloody winters. I remember standing at a Tube station in […]

Be Kind or Piss Off

I’ve been thinking about how I handle some friends who have been challenging other friends – people they’ve never met – on my social media pages. The thing is, for me, what I share on social media is pretty broad – some are ideas, some are opinions, and much of it is just the crazy […]

An Expensive Scare

So a few weeks back, I’m sitting on the toilet (as you do) and my arms went all tingly and my hands felt weak. I thought, well that’s a bit weird, but forgot about it. Then last Friday the exact same thing happened and this time, it freaked me out. I call the doctor, make […]

When Best Efforts Aren’t Enough

So in my month of “it’s all good, nothing is gunna bother me” we got some really bad news for us. Jax has to go in next week and have an operation on his teeth, because all of the big molars have compacted and bacteria has built up, which means cavities. BUMMER! The reason it’s […]

A Shambles Really

The night we got to be Glamberts Best intentions are great huh? But the thing about having best intentions is not letting them get you down when you just can’t manage it in the whirlwind called life, and right now, my life is definitely a big bloody whirlwind – but in a good way… most […]