I Have a Confession to Make…

I just finished reading “Oprah, a Biography” by Kitty Kelley – updated and revised. First of all, let me explain. I needed to get away from the serious stuff I’ve been reading of late, and while I was rarely an Oprah voyeur, I thought the book would be interesting, considering she is one of the […]

Rugby Spunk Round-Up #1

Well I’ve finally realised what a massive task I’ve set myself in coming up with an “International Team of Spunks,” and the newly named “International Team of Lovely Personalities.” I had to rename the ugly team, because somehow, when an ugly bastard plays rugby, he looks quite hot – well to me anyway. It’s such […]

Things That Make me go Grrrrrrr

Our new helper Eve starts with us today. She’s a lovely, smiley lady, and we’re expecting great things. We signed the papers for her to become our employee on Friday, but until we have official approval, we were told she had to stay at a “boarding house.” All weekend I’ve been getting texts from Eve […]

It’s Been a Weird Week

What can I say – it’s been a weird and very emotional week. Knowing that someone I love has suffered such a huge and devastating loss while there is little I can do, is not an easy thing to accept. When you feel this way, you wander through the world, not really part of it. […]

A Weepy Day

I woke up today with Vick’s news going around and around in my head. It’s definitely hit me harder today than when I first heard about it. Vick lost her baby daughter, Tracey, yesterday – a little girl who had been on this planet for only six weeks. Tracey had been a sickly bubba since […]

SlutWalks and Rape – Trying to Find Some Clarity Here…

A little while ago I came across Slut Walks following a Mona Gable Blogpost, which led me to the original NYT article it was based on, by Rebecca Traister.  Somehow I missed all of the coverage around SlutWalks and found it a very intriguing idea. It’s also been rattling around in my head ever since […]

Ladies, Rugby World Cup 2011 is Almost Upon Us

Girls, how are we going to get through the next few weeks? It’s almost World Cup Rugby time, and that means a dedication and focus on sport I’m just not used to from my dear husband – I will go un-noticed, un-loved and un-cherished… But I have a strategy for survival for us gals married to (or […]

Secret Millionaire… Sob Sob!

Has anyone watched Secret Millionaire? Mate, talk about messing about with your heart strings. Last year we watched Australia’s “Secret Millionaire,” and this year it’s been the British and now the American one. I’ve got to say, considering these are considered first world countries, some people live in very shite circumstances indeed. The Australian one […]