Ladies, Rugby World Cup 2011 is Almost Upon Us

Girls, how are we going to get through the next few weeks? It’s almost World Cup Rugby time, and that means a dedication and focus on sport I’m just not used to from my dear husband – I will go un-noticed, un-loved and un-cherished…

But I have a strategy for survival for us gals married to (or shacked up with) blokes who love their rugby, and my strategy is this – we’re going to come up with an “International Team of Spunks” AND an “International Team of Ugly Bastards,” because seriously, there really are some ugly bastards playing rugby. I would like to see our final list make headlines, so fellow rugby widows, your support and sharing of this campaign is vital!

To come up with truly International teams, I need you to nominate your contenders as the tournament progresses – simply write the names in the comment section of the blog and I’ll capture all the data. Then I’ll issue a survey and we can all vote together. In the last two World Cups, I’ve done my own International Team of Spunks, but I’m looking forward to sharing the love with my fellow women in this new world of social media, as well as extending it to include an ugly bastards team.

Personally, I am very happy that my husband is a lover of rugby. Before we met, I was always happy to survey a scrum or watch Taqiri run the length of the pitch – such fine thighs. Fortunately, my rugby knowledge has increased thanks to the patient teachings of my husband, and I now have a greater appreciation for the actual game. However my preference remains with perving at the lovely big thighs, bulky shoulders, tight bottoms, big hunky chests, and well, pretty much the whole gamut of a professional rugby player’s body. I also have full permission to perve to my heart’s content without threat of ego devastation – so that’s a bonus for the coming weeks.

Now, while I appreciate that not all women love their men big, most women with rugby loving husbands will tend towards this demographic, so we should be able to capture some excellent international data.

The rules

There are 15 players on each team, but with a squad, we get to add six more. For both teams, we are allowed a maximum of two players/number, and while coming up with two nominees for number threes (prop) might be challenging, we’re going to have to vote hard to agree which are the sexiest number 10s (fly half/First 58). Whereas the ugly bastards team is sure to have a plethora of prop options but not many fly halfs. Simple right? For the remaining six, we’ve got a bit more flexibility as they can play in any position. It’s sure to evolve as we go, and we’ll also seek to nominate the spunkiest team overall, as well as the ugliest – South Africa and Argentina stand a good chance of winning the latter. The final rule – while I will be using advanced online research technology to capture the votes – the final decision is mine and mine alone, unless you can convince me otherwise…

In addition, I will, of course, be offering my deep insight on the games, so stay tuned for Haka critiques, the best clothes ripping perving opportunity, the best scrum of the tournament, amongst others. We’ll get through this together ladies.

Yours, without the bollocks


PS: All Blacks, it would be lovely to see you win, and even though my heart will always be with the Wallabies, I’d love it to be your year. But if you do drop the ball (so to speak), just feel reassured that I expect quite a few of your team members to be on the “International Team of Spunks.”

2 Responses

  1. Having just watched the opening ceremony my mind is left pondering the body art on the Kiwis. How long did it take to paint all those bottoms with Maori symbols and who did them?

    I'm not particularly into political correctness but in tribute to men themselves perhaps we should call the other side the 'one's with the nice personalities?' Hahahaha!

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