How’s the single mothering malarkey going Andrea?

Uncommon Courage

It’s great, so great. I love it when Steve is away for long periods of time, because I really get to relax, enjoying so much peace, solitude and silence you know. It’s a self-pampering time… Well except when we have three fire incidents in the boy’s bedroom. Lex! He’s obsessed with fire and I get […]

Believing you are worth it is everything, so believe

Uncommon Courage

I watched the movie Queen of Katwe last night – a story of a girl from the slums of Uganda who goes on to become a Chess Master. An incredibly powerful story, it touched on so many deep subjects, but most importantly, I couldn’t believe anyone could make a movie about chess and it be […]

It’s a very challenging time to blog right now

Andrea T Edwards

I have so much to say. Some of it is flippant – the funny life stuff we all laugh at. But more of it is outrage, incredulousness and horror. I’ve written to the latter many times, because I don’t believe that being silent is good during this time of chaos for our world. We need […]