Why We’re All Nuts!

I’ve just finished another interesting read, this time “The Upside of Irrationality” by DanAriely. A professor in psychology and behavioural economics at Duke University, Dan explores why humans hang on to things and feelings, as well as what really motivates us – in work and in life. It’s a really interesting perspective, told by an academic […]

Rules, Rules and More Bloody Rules!

I don’t like rules. They restrict you and suppress your creativity. I don’t think all rules are bad and many obviously have a place in ensuring a more stable society for the majority, but not all rules are good, or even relevant. I definitely followed more rules when I was younger, but I’ve had the […]

Bloody Kids… the Things I Hate the Most about Parenting Under Fives

You know I love my boys right? I mean I’m their mum and therefore, they’re amazing. Naturally you might not agree with me that my kids are amazing, but if you’ve got your own kids, you’ll at least think they’re amazing. It’s one of those irrational qualities parents have and it’s probably a handy human […]

A Kick in the Arse Yarn – The Leader Who Had No Title

Being a bit of a voracious reader, I enjoy the opportunity to blog about my most recent reads, and this week I’ve gone from rock stars to leadership. This time it’s “The Leader Who Had No Title” by Robin Sharma. I’ve read one other book by Robin – “The Monk who Sold His Ferrari” and […]

The Top 10 Things I HATE About Getting Old

Wot-eva!! Yeah I know, age is a state of mind and all that, but one can never ignore the physical and mental things that happen when the years start ticking by. Number 10 on my list happened recently, and it got me thinking, as I am known to do. As such, here you have my […]

Rock On Steven Tyler

If you’re in need of a good yarn to read, one that will curl your toes and leave you wincing at times, then I can highly recommend Steven Tyler’s “Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?” I picked it up because I needed a break from the serious stuff I’ve been devouring of late, […]