Sharing my book cover design inspiration and story

I am one of those people that can get lost in a book shop for hours. I love the discovery process of finding new authors I’ve never heard of, and while the Fantasy section is usually the place I spend most of my time

The only thing you SHOULD do is to do YOU

Andrea T Edwards

I was chatting with a lady-pal recently and she told me someone told her she should soften her approach a little bit. Apparently, she’s too strong, too out there, and too dominating to attract a man into her life.

50 years, 50 wisdoms – let’s start with the voice in our head

Andrea T Edwards

Part of my 50 Years #50 Wisdoms journey. Join me as I hurtle towards 50 on the 1stof January 2020. On the 1st of January 2018 I turned 48. I remember a time when someone told me they were 48 and I thought they were really really old. Then on New Year’s Eve, I met […]