Battles Vs Wars

My Little Angels… I was having a chat with a fellow Mum of similar aged boys and she’s having a bit of a rough time managing her little warriors. Let’s just say I could definitely relate and I explained my philosophy of child rearing as being quite simple: I let them win some battles but […]

Wheat We’re Done… Mostly

In January I went wheat free 99 per cent of the time, and then Feb and March I was very good. Throughout those three months I lost a bit of weight (yay), but more importantly, I felt great – energized. Then in April and May I slipped back into old habits, which weren’t helped with […]

Dreams of India… Maybe Not

That’s the CBD this morning Steve and I have been in agreement for some time that if the opportunity comes up (and the boys are old enough to cope) we take the chance and live in India for a couple of years. We reckon it would be AMAZING, and while a lot of that amazing […]

The Great Singapore Haze

If you have friends or loved ones living in Singapore or Malaysia you may have noticed a fair bit of bitching going on about the “haze” these past few days. We’ve had two bad days, and while it’s “better” today, yesterday it got worse, and worse and worse – as you’ll see in the photo […]

An Intense 11 Days

It’s finally time to go home and see my three boys, after my longest trip away from them since they were both born – 11 days. In fact, it’s the longest away from my big boy too I think. But it’s the little boys that haven’t coped too well with Mum being away, and Steve’s […]