Apparently We’re Moving to the US

Andrea Edwards

Yep. Why you ask? So we can meet the Hobby Kids of course! Like duh! Don’t know who they are? Well let me enlighten you.  It’s a family that does: “Fun kid friendly videos on YOUTUBE! We feature popular brands like: Play-Doh, Toys, Legos. We create Stories, Play, Songs, Reviews, Box Openings. HobbyKidsjoin the fun […]

Mum, What Do You Know About Ducks?

Andrea T Edwards

When I hear that question, or that same question in regards to any other animal, bug, sea creature, or extinct animal – including all dinosaurs – mentioned by my little fella Lex, I know I must stop everything I’m doing and give him my full attention, because for as long as I am willing to […]

Who Knew There Was an International #Lefthandersday?

Uncommon COurage

I didn’t know it was International #Lefthandersday yesterday until an article on Mashableshowed up on Facebook. Cool, good read. Then I checked out the hashtag on Twitter and my entire life as a lefty was laid out before me. Everything I went through, endured, suffered, clumsily managed (scissors, tin openers, etc…) and of course, the […]

Mum, What Are My Balls For?

Andrea T Edwards

It has begun. The sex talks. Crikey, how does one prepare themselves for this? So I’m bathing the boys last night and Lex asks me: “Mum what are my balls for?” Jax thinks this is a pretty good question and perks up considerably… Firstly, I don’t know when balls entered their vocabulary, but it has, […]