January 2014

My Three Words

I follow Chris Brogan– a blogger who got famous for blogging, then wrote books, then did/does all sorts of other stuff, and I like him because he speaks my kind of language – be it life or business. Anyway, he’d probably hate being introduced this way, and I know he’s a lot more, but he wrote a blog about his three words for the year and it caught my imagination. I like the idea of single words encapsulating a lot more than a list of goals – i.e. do more exercise, lose weight, etc… Those sorts of lists just ain’t my thing, and I see positive change as constant evolution. My ‘Fuck it Enough’ Crusade – now officially in its second year – is very much about evolution (inside and outside) and if you’re wondering, FIE continues and will do so until the day I die. My three words are now part of it. The one thing I know for sure is that life changes and then it changes and then it changes again. That constant change typically doesn’t bother me, although sometimes the rollercoaster gets a bit old. However, I also know that if I’m too still for too long, my feet get twitchy! Sometimes change results in the need to take drastic action quickly – aka the re-steering of one’s life back on course. We all get off track. We all get side-swiped by stuff. I’ve been in that boat many times and just think the important thing is being able to recognize when things aren’t going the way you want, because let’s face it, sometimes it’s really hard to see our own lives – even when everyone around us can see it. We’re confusing us humans. Anyways I’ve already written loads about that, and will write more, but I was inspired by Chris’ idea and have come up with my three words: Move, Laugh, Now. Move – that’s all about making movement part of my life, whenever possible. It can be as simple as getting up and stretching (which I do) or taking a break at work and stretching (which I don’t). It’s about walking rather than driving, and my recent addition, riding my bike to work – which I’m loving. I’m a sweaty bitch upon arrival, but I can cope with that, although I can’t speak for my colleagues. Laugh – obvious right, but there are many times I don’t when I should, so seeking more joy across the board is one of my words. Spending time with funny people will help. Now – living in the moment, not stressing about the future, leaving the past where it is, no fear, etc… This is probably my biggest challenge, as I do spend a lot of time in the future, so really hope I can succeed on this one. It took me a wee while to come up with these, so when you have a moment, perhaps you’d like to share your three words if you are equally inspired by the idea? Yours, without the bollocks Andrea

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Marriage Is…

All class It’s our nine year wedding anniversary today – NINE YEARS! Wow it’s gone fast, but then we’ve packed a whole lot of living into that time, including the addition of two little loves. It’s been one hell of a roller coaster ride though. I don’t know how many times we’ve moved, but I do know at least four of those moves have been international. I don’t know how many countries we’ve been to either – probably in the 50 range – together and through the eyes of each other. We definitely like to keep things fresh. But when I sit back and reflect on it, I think that marriage is a whole lot of putting up with each other – in the nicest possible way of course.  We both have bad habits. We both annoy the shit out of each other. We’re both stubborn. We’re both strong. We’re both determined. We have different tastes – in music, food, arts and more. We’re really different people, yet that’s only something we worked out after we got married! And of course, we’ve gone through some incredibly intense times together – mainly around Lex having a pretty rough start in this life game. He’s awesome though, as we knew he would be – annoying too, as is Jax, but both awesome. We did it!! It’s been an amazing nine years, but the one thing I really want to say to you, Steve, is thank you. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for understanding that sometimes I just need to escape inside my own head (for days, weeks or even months sometimes) to work this life shite out. Thank you for sticking beside me when I need to go on an emotional roller coaster ride – I know it’s not always pretty. Thank you for understanding that sometimes when I present an idea it’s not really about getting your feedback, because it’s going to happen. You know me well. Thank you for your patience as I try and shake some shackles I’ve picked up through life. Thank you for being patient when I explore some ideas so beyond where you want to go in your thinking and yes, I do know you often think I’m bloody nuts. Thank you for shutting the hell up (well most of the time) when I just need someone to ‘hear’ me. I know your maleness doesn’t find this easy, but it sure is appreciated. Thank you for loving me when I’m such a massive pain in the arse even though you assure me I’m not. But mainly, thanks for having the courage to love me in such a beautiful way. I am a very lucky girl. Happy nine years my love. May the next nine be a little smoother though – oh pretty please universe. Also, if you don’t have any plans on January 15th2015, it will be our 10 year anniversary. I reckon a party on Koh Samui (where we got married) might be in order? Who’s coming? Yours, without the bollocks Andrea

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Travel Plans for 2014… and Maybe Beyond

Driving home from Malacca in Malaysia this week – the final leg of two weeks of adventures, combined with some fun in Singapore – Steve and I got our thinking hats on to agree what’s next. I need to have travel plans. It’s critical for my peace of mind. Small travel and big travel, I need plans with both in the mix. When I travel I feel the most alive, because wandering around this great planet is my bliss. While I appreciate that not everyone is as passionate about it as me, I’ve got to do it. It really lifts my soul like nothing else.  And doing it with my three boys makes it even more special – especially my two little guys. They love this world too. So we came up with a combined list (in no particular order): Top of the list – Burma – I refused to go while Aung San SuuKyi was under house arrest, so I’m keen to support it now. I can’t wait to see it’s wonders as it comes into its own Marrakesh – I’m overdue a visit with my dear friend Nathalix Japan to visit Willie – LONG overdue Phuket and Phi Phi – must take the boys to Phi Phi, where Steve and I celebrated our one year anniversary Rawa – a tiny beautiful island off Malaysia – must take the boys snorkeling and canoe around the Island with Steve Sri Lanka – must, must, must Russia/Siberia, but in the summer and keen to do the Trans-Siberian rail journey Mongolia Bhutan Borneo Denmark/Paris/Amsterdam – to visit three of my favorite ladies Norway for a flight over the ice to see polar bears. I’d also want to combine it with the Northern Lights – must see it once in my life Philippines to visit Aunty Vick – needs to be an annual expedition Siem Reap in Cambodia – think the boys are old enough now Iraq – must see the Gardens of Babylon and will be looking for Suddam Hussein’s graffiti Dollywood – have to see it in all of its glory – and plan to mix it in with a Southern States adventure, including a night or two on the town in New Orleans with Steve. We need to do that together! South America – a six month wander is on the cards An African adventure is due – with a safari in the mix Boston to see my old pals, and NYC + Miami to see more pals The Baltic States – I wanna see its Medieval grandeur Poland – ‘cos Rob and Margaret are there and I’d love to see them. Hoping to do it around Thanksgiving, because no one does Thanksgiving like those two Indonesia with the boys to climb a volcano – my geotechnical husband has never done this and he must Maldives Easter Island Sydney to play with my great mates Scottish Highlands and Edinburgh festival Montreal Jazz Fest Bora Bora (Steve’s choice) Disneyland is a must with the boys of course Iceland again and this time I will have a hot spa I could go on and on and on…. But I’m thinking I might have too many things to do in one year – watcha reckon? Then again, I could come into a massive endowment which would allow me to just wander? But there is no endowment in sight for me, so I’ll just have to tick off the list one by one. Alone, with Steve, with the boys, and with great friends. Lot’s to look forward to. Who wants to join me on any of the trips? And yes Fiona I’ve got you down for Dollywood don’t you worry! When are we going? Yours, without the bollocks Andrea

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No Bitch for a Week Challenge

This is such a lovely time of year. People are sending gorgeous messages of love around the world, only wishing the best to everyone they know – near or far. It just leaves me feeling all nice and squishy inside – it’s sweet seeing so much gooey goodness doing the rounds. And then I’m thinking, wouldn’t it be nice if we were lovely to each other all the time, but perhaps we’d get a bit bored with that? Then again, I know lots of people who consistently share goodness throughout the year – often posting a little bit of wisdom which picks me up on a crappy day. So there are people who keep the momentum up for all of us, but I reckon we can all do a little better. So I have decided to issue a challenge. It is a “No Bitch for a Week” challenge and the rules are this: You are not allowed to criticize anyone for anything – even the Kardashians – and if you feel inclined towards a bitch, you have to replace it with something positive – i.e. “she has pretty hair” You can’t share any news that is derogatory towards anyone else, no matter what, but if you must share it, you have to come up with a positive or compassionate angle If a stranger is being a dick around you – whether it’s impacting you or not – walk on and smile, wishing them a great year ahead For all of the above, this includes your thoughts – you’re not allowed to have negative ones – so if one crops up, shake it loose (negative thought monitoring is really superb when you get into it) Negative thoughts or comments also include the world around you – i.e. “it’s so cold” could potentially be replaced with “this weather is awesome for my hair” But most importantly, you can’t bitch about yourself or even think bitchy thoughts. If you find yourself criticizing yourself at any moment, replace it with a compliment – i.e. “I have pretty hair” If all else fails and someone does something to you, or something happens to you that isn’t pleasant, there’s nothing else to do but sing along with Doris Day’s ‘Que Sera Sera’ ·       There you go, considering that the next week is going to be run-of-the-mill for all of us, who wants to join me on the challenge? Hey and if you like the way it feels, why not extend it to a month, then a year, then forever? That’d be nice. But let’s start with a week for now. We can do that right? I’ve decided I’m going to start right now and stop moaning about how bad this current double-hangover is. I am blessed to have my birthday on New Years’ Day after all. But more importantly, I had a lot of fun getting it, so time to enjoy the memory rather than the pain. With that I wanted to send love to everyone who’s been putting up with my ramblings over so many years, and hoping the happiest of times are ahead, full of loveliness and abundance in every way for 2014. May this be the year the world starts moving towards it’s greatest potential in every way. Yours, without the bollocks Andrea

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