No Bitch for a Week Challenge

This is such a lovely time of year. People are sending gorgeous messages of love around the world, only wishing the best to everyone they know – near or far. It just leaves me feeling all nice and squishy inside – it’s sweet seeing so much gooey goodness doing the rounds. And then I’m thinking, wouldn’t it be nice if we were lovely to each other all the time, but perhaps we’d get a bit bored with that?
Then again, I know lots of people who consistently share goodness throughout the year – often posting a little bit of wisdom which picks me up on a crappy day. So there are people who keep the momentum up for all of us, but I reckon we can all do a little better.
So I have decided to issue a challenge. It is a “No Bitch for a Week” challenge and the rules are this:
  1. You are not allowed to criticize anyone for anything – even the Kardashians – and if you feel inclined towards a bitch, you have to replace it with something positive – i.e. “she has pretty hair”
  2. You can’t share any news that is derogatory towards anyone else, no matter what, but if you must share it, you have to come up with a positive or compassionate angle
  3. If a stranger is being a dick around you – whether it’s impacting you or not – walk on and smile, wishing them a great year ahead
  4. For all of the above, this includes your thoughts – you’re not allowed to have negative ones – so if one crops up, shake it loose (negative thought monitoring is really superb when you get into it)
  5. Negative thoughts or comments also include the world around you – i.e. “it’s so cold” could potentially be replaced with “this weather is awesome for my hair”
  6. But most importantly, you can’t bitch about yourself or even think bitchy thoughts. If you find yourself criticizing yourself at any moment, replace it with a compliment – i.e. “I have pretty hair”
  7. If all else fails and someone does something to you, or something happens to you that isn’t pleasant, there’s nothing else to do but sing along with Doris Day’s ‘Que Sera Sera’

·       There you go, considering that the next week is going to be run-of-the-mill for all of us, who wants to join me on the challenge? Hey and if you like the way it feels, why not extend it to a month, then a year, then forever? That’d be nice. But let’s start with a week for now. We can do that right?
I’ve decided I’m going to start right now and stop moaning about how bad this current double-hangover is. I am blessed to have my birthday on New Years’ Day after all. But more importantly, I had a lot of fun getting it, so time to enjoy the memory rather than the pain.
With that I wanted to send love to everyone who’s been putting up with my ramblings over so many years, and hoping the happiest of times are ahead, full of loveliness and abundance in every way for 2014. May this be the year the world starts moving towards it’s greatest potential in every way.
Yours, without the bollocks


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