It’s World Water Day, so how about we stop buying bottled water?

Andrea T Edwards

I cannot stand buying water in plastic bottles. It completely pisses me off that it is so easy to create such waste and for what? No, I’ve had enough and I am definitely committed to working hard to take water whenever we are out and about. But I can do better. I must do better. […]

And just like that, everything changed

Uncommon Courage

It’s been a weird couple of weeks with the boys. Over the years, my treasures seem to have lumbered through phases, coming out very very slowly and it takes us a while to acknowledge that it has, indeed, finally ended. It’s like a lightning bolt will strike one day and we’ll exclaim to each other: […]

A Lifetime of Cravings for an Amazing Chicken Curry

Andrea T Edwards

Have you ever had a chicken curry that’s so good, you’ll spend the next 10 years ordering it at restaurants just hoping to get that same sensation again? No? Then don’t read this. Yes, read on.     We were in Bali over Chinese New Year and one night we ordered a take-away curry from […]