When Love Over Whats App Starts Becoming a Chore


When Steve first leaves on one of his extended business trips, there’s a lot of love going back and forth on Whats App. We’ve always been an over-communicating-kind-of-couple, keeping each other connected in our day-to-day lives when we’re apart… well it actually happens when we’re in the same city too. Steve drives that. For him […]

The Things You Wished You Learned When You Were Young

Andrea Edwards

I was having a rather hilarious discussion with a couple of great birds at a networking night recently. All around the same age bracket, one was telling us she could still do the splits, because she was a pretty serious ballerina in her younger days. We couldn’t get a live demo unfortunately, because jeans are […]

Is it Bad My Child Snores?

Uncommon Courage

Lex snored since he was born. It wasn’t until he was nearly four that an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) asked me the question – does he snore? Why yes I said, since he was born. His response was simple. No child should snore. I’ve thought about that moment so many times in the […]

A Memory of Fragrant Sanitary Napkins

Andrea Edwards

One for the ladies today (and maybe a few curious fellas) but do you remember the moment when fragranced sanitary napkins entered our lives? Early 80s in Australia right? In my memory it occurred at the same time “womanhood” commenced (for those in my age group you’ll know when that was), and this was before […]