Celebrity Bollocks… the knives are out for Gordon Ramsay

I’ve got to say that I’ve never been interested in Gordon Ramsay. He comes across as a total prick on TV and if I was going to watch any celebrity chefs it would be Jamie Oliver and Curtis Stone – they just seem like decent human beings with good hearts.

But bloody hell, aren’t the knives out for Gordon at the moment? Firstly two suicides have been placed at his feet. I mean if you can’t stand the heat and you’re capable of going the suicide route, certainly stay out of Ramsay’s bloody kitchen! He’s also sacked his brother-in-law as his financial manager, so he’s obviously not a very loyal man, but who knows the story? I expect the brother-in-law will pursue the traditional route with a full ‘warts and all’ account of life with Gordon in a soon to be published book, so no skin off his nose ultimately huh? I certainly won’t be buying it though.

By all accounts, being a celebrity seems to have screwed him up and his priorities seem all over the place, but then, can you imagine what life in his body and head would be like? First your Dad tells you you’re a poof for becoming a chef and then you spend the rest of your life trying to prove him wrong… can’t be too nice being him I reckon.

I can’t understand the man and therefore encourage the media to report on worthwhile shit, as opposed to the goings on of a celebrity chef gone bad. All I know is I’ll never watch his stuff anyway, because I just don’t like people who make people feel bad. But he’s made squillions doing it, so now we wait and see if his candle will still shine bright. The verdict is it’s being snuffed out as we speak.

A final point: does it strike anyone else as moronic that we live in a world where you can become a huge success by being a prick?

Yours, without the bollocks

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