I Will Never Feel Guilty Again
Noemi starts working for us today. She’ll be managing every aspect of our home lives so we can get on...
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My Oscars Stitch & Bitch
I don’t think I’ve seen a single Oscar nominated movie this year. Two reasons, children and no Gold Class...
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What’s the Jive with all the Drive?
I’m a pretty driven person. I always have been. When I was a teenager I decided my personal theme song...
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Shit Dads Can be Good for You
I’ve just started a cracking book – “The Book of the Dead” by John Lloyd and John Mitchinson –...
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My Magnificent Husband
I’m hoping Steve doesn’t mind me blogging an ode to him, but he deserves some recognition for the amazing...
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Singapore, Where the Living is Easy...
Not everyone who has lived in Singapore will agree with me here, but that’s OK. Sometimes Singapore just...
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Cracking Yarn – Hitch 22
For those who are Christopher Hitchens’ fans, or even for those who detest him, his memoirs “Hitch 22”...
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When Condo Living is Not So Good
Condo living is great. There’s always something going on, people to meet, kids for the kids to play with...
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I Wish Zoe Would Piss Off!!
Is anyone else being pummelled with Calvin Klein’s Envy advert featuring Zoe? It turns out it’s Zoe Saldana,...
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Things I’ll Never Understand...
I went to a public toilet yesterday. It was a nice toilet. Your typical Western style bowl – which...
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Why Thank You!
I checked my blog stats for the first time today and it seems I’ve had nearly 4,000 hits since “Without...
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Thou Shalt Not Judge
I grew up in a Catholic family. I went to Catholic Schools. Every Sunday our entire family of six would...
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I’ll leave the House Maintenance to Steve
I’ve talked about the communication challenges I face in Singapore in a recent blog, and recently we...
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Not gaga over Gaga yet
I can’t imagine too many people on the planet who aren’t aware of the extraordinary Lady Gaga. I remember...
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Why American Idol Appeals to me
So American Idol got off to a great start last night, with Steve Tyler and JLo new to the judging team....
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White Armpits... please?
Advertising outside of your home country is always intriguing, but Asia pretty much takes the cake on...
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Why Facebook is Great for me!
I’m obviously not writing this as a promo for Facebook (because they don’t need it) but as a promo for...
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The Singapore Wave
I speak quickly. But worse than that, I’m also a bit of a mumbler – AND I’m not talking underpants mumbling...
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2011 here we come!
I’d have to say that 2009 and 2010 has been a pretty interesting time in our life. There’s been some...
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Gaining time...
So its official, we’re heading back to live in Singapore and this time, the plan is to stay ‘til the...
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Hans Rosling 200 years of global development
This is very cool and also beautifully optimistic – thanks Siobhan! http://www.flixxy.com/200-countries-200-years-4-minutes.htm  Yours,...
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Web Design is Definitely Not my Thing
I’ve been a bit quietly lately as I decided to take on the job of designing the www.sajeideas.com Website....
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My Grandmother’s 100 year life advice
I asked my Grandmother a couple of questions recently, as she is officially the oldest person I know....
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Bulging Eye Balls
Many years ago, I was travelling through Central America, I came across the weirdest thing – a person...
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Noosa versus Gold Coast Waterfront Developments
We had the absolute pleasure of staying with our great friends Rob and Jules Scullin on the Gold Coast...
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Water Restrictions Defineth the Person
When we arrived on the Sunshine Coast about 15 or so months ago, water restrictions were introduced to...
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My first mammogram
I recently went through the sphincter clenching embarrassment of getting a mammogram. It appears that...
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Oh dear, is this what the world is coming to?
Sometimes you come across information that makes you wonder about the future of humanity and this is...
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Living in an old age advertising market
Turning 40 was a bit of a kick in the proverbial nuts – I mean when you start telling people you’re in...
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Who decides world’s most handsomest man and is handsomest even a word?
I saw an advert the other day for an interview with The World’s Most Handsomest Man, and up pops this...
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Cracking Yarn – “Open” by Andre Agassi
I’m not much of a tennis fan. I used to play it as a kid, but once my gargantuan mammories sprung to...
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Where do our souls go?
I’ve just finished a book “Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton, and it’s about where souls journey after...
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Ladies who Lunch
I’m not the sort who lunches very often. I generally don’t enjoy it and it always takes away my time...
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