Who decides world’s most handsomest man and is handsomest even a word?

I saw an advert the other day for an interview with The World’s Most Handsomest Man, and up pops this debonair looking chap in an Armani suit. Now while I’ve got to say he probably fits the traditional image of a good looking bloke, he certainly isn’t my cup of tea. Certainly handsome, but I definitely like the rugged manly types.

Naturally, I had to do a bit of research and find out what it’s all about. I’m not sure if it’s even the same competition I saw advertised, but based on my research, the person won the 2010 “World’s Most Handsomest Man” is Spain’s Guillermo Garcia. Click on the title and you can check him out. We’ll call him Gui for ease.

So Gui has some rather gay looking photos on the Website, and he’s obviously worked out, but I think his sideys look a bit muffy, and his sharp long features are almost too perfect. I should be kind though, even if he isn’t my style, because I would look foolish if I denied that he is a good looking fellow.

Whenever I come across beauty pageants, it’s alright to admit that I’m always pretty curious about the type of people that enter – men and women. It’s important to state right now that I am not of the opinion that they are all brainless and pretty and not much else, but still, it can’t be much fun being in a competition of this calibre? I mean, imagine agreeing to be judged on every aspect of your person – inside and out – you’ve got to have brick walls of confidence I reckon.

According to his profile on the Website “Guillermo Garcia Becerril grew up in Zaragoza, northern Spain. With a degree in Business and Marketing, Guillermo wants to become a TV presenter and to establish his own fashion agency. His hobbies include football, playing piano, and photography. He is also considered as gym-addict.

In November 28, 2009, Guillermo won the Mister Spain 2009 title. Guillermo, who stands 6’3.5″ tall, represented his country in Mister World 2010 pageant in South Korea. “Persist and meet your challenges” is his personal motto.”

That’s lovely isn’t it? Tall, sporty yet arty, ambitious, motivated, educated, and from one of my favourite Spanish cities.

Going through some of the entrants, there’s lots and lots of pretty boys with “magnumesuqe” pouts (aka Zoolander). I have to say that Mr. Serbia stands out for his pouty mouth and underpants/braces combo. Mr. Kuwait definitely had some stuffing in his main photo as was later proven with other less bulbous jock shots. Mr Russia only got five votes – probably due to the density of his blue white skin. Mr Philippines looks like a baby compared to the other blokes. Mr Ireland starts off well until you get to his S&M shots. The jock ripping Joshua from the US needs to enter Mr. Universe – the muscles! And saucy Mr. New Zealand – is that really the best the country had to offer? He does offer some pube viewing tho.

Oh I could go on. But what do you reckon? Are these sorts of guys your thing? Who would you have picked? Did they get the result right? Who was your tackiest choice? And have you had fun having a gander at the Website? Kept me busy for a wee while.

Although the reality is, there needs to be a competition for chicks like me. Big hunky men, with big muscles, big hearts, and most importantly, mega thighs… oh wait, I’ve got one of them at home. Thankfully I found my most handsomest man – here’s hoping everyone finds theirs!

Yours, without the bollocks

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