Toilet humour is what the Commonwealth was built on – well the antipodes

While watching a great night of swimming yesterday, I thought I heard Nicole Livingstone say shit. Then she thanked her co-host for not distracting her or making her laugh. A few moments later, the reason became apparent. Sheila Dikshit (pron. Dixit) was on the job for a medal presentation ceremony and obviously her name is rather amusing.

Sheila is an honored woman in India, holding the post of Chief Minister of Delhi since 1998, but she also apparently pulled the games together, not to mention she’s fought hard for women’s rights in India, and is secretary of the Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust – one of the great women of history.

Anyways, when I heard the name, naturally I did a bit of a Web search on Sheila and that’s when I found 0ut that Paul Henry of TVNZ had been fired on the spot for making a mockery of her name.

I must concur that, if the news is correct, he was a bloody dickhead. I mean a single gag or faux pas is understandable, but no, he just kept going and going and going. So he deserved to be sacked, especially as there is a lot of racial bullshit going on round these parts in regards to Indians.

However, we can’t get too serious about this stuff when it’s just a simple giggle or a titter because her name IS funny. Surely we can never forget the fundamental principles Australia was founded on and they are principles evolved from filthy convicts with filthy mouths and to this day, we have not changed.

Kiwis and Aussies are dirty bastards – we love toilet humour (a British connection if ever there was one) and any name that refers to genitalia, pooh, or anything else related to sex is going to get a giggle. But Paul Henry definitely went too far – I mean, what the hell was he thinking? Idiot.

Yours, without the bollocks

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