We can’t control anyone else’s behaviour on social media, but we can control our own. Here’s my six tips to not get into a rage on any social platforms.
The scenario. A breaking story is circling the globe. It’s a political distraction, or a famous person up to no good – and we jump on it. Our opinion is quickly formed. Passions run high. Opposing views are extreme. Yet, why the hell does everyone care so much about this story, when there are so many more important issues to face?
It all starts when we share an opinion, usually oblivious it will spark a fight. Before we know it, someone passionately disagrees and they’re just not nice about it. We shoot back. In an instant, we’re raging at each other, and no one is listening. No winners in this scenario.
What can you do?
- First job, check your emotions about the story – if they are strong, stand back from it. Wait for the story to evolve. Look at it from all sides. Consider other views. If your emotions are not under control, it’s the first sign to breath, wait, and most importantly, calm down before saying anything. Objectivity is the key
- When you’re ready to share your opinion (which you are, of course, entitled to) present it as objectively as you can. Really think through the words you use, knowing others will have a different point of view. Hot tip: there is always someone with a different point of view. The language you use matters
- Try NOT to engage in vicious arguments, especially with people you like or love. Take it off-line as quickly as you can, especially if they mean a lot to you. No one wins a social media fight, no one! Pick up the phone and speak. For your own peace of mind, agree no more public arguments or unfriend if they refuse?
- f you don’t know them – ignore, hide, block – no point arguing with someone you don’t know. How can it be useful? You don’t understand how they get their knowledge OR their emotional state. They could be going through a bad time and you’ve just become the target of their unhappiness. Don’t get triggered
- If you disagree with someone who is sharing an opinion different to yours anywhere on social media, if you’re not mentioned or tagged, just move past it. You don’t have to engage. You really don’t… People say all sorts of weird things on social media. Doesn’t mean you have to get involved – save yourself the misery
- If you NEED to comment – e.g. the information is dangerous – try to be gentle, respectful. People really believe what they’re sharing & rage or contempt never changes minds. Show evidence to support your argument. They might not agree, but their audience will see it and that helps to stop misinformation spreading
Let’s stop raging. Peace, love & compassion is the way forward, because love really is, all around…
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