Uncommon Courage
Uncommon Courage
It is time for that which is uncommon to become common
Uncommon Courage is more than a book; it’s an invitation to join an inclusive community that wants to better understand humanity’s challenges—both global and personal—in order to take courageous action and create a better world for everyone. If COVID has given us the time and space to reflect, Uncommon Courage gives us the nudge we need to create lasting change.

“The book combines a rare combination of captivating storytelling and truly insightful lessons about how you and I become an ever better version of our self! My favorite takeaways were the simplifications of the complex and the honesty which so often is replaced with a facade these days.”
David JP Phillips
Founder JP University, the Reinventor of Communication
“Passionate. Inspirational. Powerful. This incredible compilation of stories and insights is down-to-earth, engaging and helps us play our part in the world. This is a great read that will inspire everyone to become a better human and make the world a better place.”
Shirley Taylor, CSP,
Author, Connecting the Dots – To Inspire the Leader in You
“I challenge you to come away from this book without being changed in how you see yourself and the world around you. Accept Andrea's invitation to find your own truth to guide you forward.”
Tanvi Gautam,
Author, The Spark Lies Within: And other secrets of women leading inspired & authentic lives
“Reading Uncommon Courage is like going to a dinner party and being seated with an experienced CEO, a spiritual guru and a wise old grandma. While they say you have to learn your own lessons, with this book you might just graduate ‘the school of a beautiful life’ with more magical moments and fewer scars.”
Tara Moody,
Marketing and culture speaker, strategist, content creator
"I started reading thinking, ‘Oh I’ve probably heard all this before,’ and yet once I began, I couldn’t put the book down. Time and time again, Uncommon Courage nails it. You can’t avoid thinking, laughing, even shouting out loud as you read this book.”
Lindsay Adams OAM CSP,
Author, The DNA of Business Relationships
“Andrea brings herself straight from the heart fully into the world—wisdom, courage, and love. This book is food for the unsettled heart to find peace, for the discouraged heart to stir with hope again, and for the love in our hearts to flow from ourselves to the world.”
Wendy Tan,
Author, Wholeness in a Disruptive World
“This goes deep into the human heart. Written with genuine rawness, it had me engaged start to finish. I found myself constantly reflecting on my own self-discovery, while feeling enlightened to continue to embrace my journey to self-love and internal abundance.”
Wendi Stewart,
Financial markets analyst and trader
"Using very personal insights this book brings you practical everyday tips for a better life, more courage and even approaches to solutions for global issues. It’s a plea for more civil courage and personal development."
Dr. Frank Hagenow, CSP,
Psychologist, author, Leadership Without Mind Games
"Uncommon Courage is unconventional, unapologetic and undoubtedly a gem that everyone must read. Combining real-life stories with powerful questions, this book makes you stop, reflect and want to take action towards being the person you want to be. So, if you're feeling stuck, grab this book, dig deep and go be magnificent!"
Sha En Yeo,
The Happiness Scientist
“Uncommon Courage — wisdom from a woman wise beyond her years — will compel you to find what is meaningful to you and spur you on the journey to living an impactful life. A must read for anyone who wants to create a better world around them.”
Anupama Singal,
Author, SYZYGY moments
“Filled with inspirational stories and provocative questions, this book takes you on a journey of self-discovery. Through entering Andrea’s world, you enter yours; not only to re-evaluate what you believe and why, but to have self-compassion and the courage to embrace change, act with kindness and step into committed action.”
Natalie Turner,
Author, Yes, You Can Innovate
“Good books are meant to be read and then re-read; Uncommon Courage falls slap bang into this select list, it’s a keeper. Full of wise and humane anecdotes, woven into a rich tapestry of plain and simple life lessons, this is one of those addictive can’t-put-down-read-through-in-no-time gems.”
Ferenc Nyiro,
Artist & yogi
“Written as a journey of self-discovery, the life lessons come from the love of travel, a deep curiosity about life and the world, and passion for humanity and the environment. This is no ordinary book, it’s an adventure with an invitation to growth and self-acceptance.”
Sally Foley-Lewis,
Author, The Productive Leader
Andrea—by showing up with such transparency about who you are, your life journey, and the things that are important, you are lighting the pathway of courage. This book radiates your belief in human possibility in a way that’s rare and powerful.”
Joanne Flinn,
The Business Growth Lady. Author, Karma, How to stay calm and productive through coronavirus to the recovery, and editor, Uncommon Courage.“Allow Uncommon Courage to be your invitation to have the courage to step into all you aspire to be. Written from my heart to your heart, it’s here to help you embrace your best life, regardless of what is going on around you.” – @AndreaTEdwards
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