Andrea WTB Edwards

It’s time to say goodbye to a very old friend

Which friend you ask? Well Without the Bollocks of course. That friend. A blog, Facebook page, Twitter handle, and a YouTube channel I’ve already revamped into a family channel.

Without the Bollocks has been part of my life since I published the first blog on this platform back in May 2010. That blog was The ghost who tried to shag me and well, it started as it meant to go on.

I’ve shared a lot on this blog. The journey with my boys. The heart ache of the journey with Lex. My beautiful husband. Love. Stupidity. Life. Anger. Adventures. More love. Friendships. Beauty. Kindness. Frustrations. Well you name it, I’ve probably talked about it.

Original branding

The popular blogs have always been the personal or the controversial – naturally. 

The top three, based on numbers?

  1. My son has a speech delay – period has had more than 15,000 views and I’ve made a lot of deep connections with parents around the world, going through similar challenges, and like us, having nowhere to go
  2. Anal bleaching… What the? There have always been men in my world and I suppose it’s because they like these type of posts
  3. It takes nothing to be kind, so please, be kind, to everyone I was so happy to see kindness in the top three!!

Some other cheeky ones that get a high rating – Smoking ones’ vagina and vaginal bleaching… Oh please no!

And I was happy to see some others get lots of attention

  1. Kids don’t grow up fast, they grow up suddenly
  2. Believe in love and don’t settle unless it’s with someone capable of adoring all of you
  3. Our combined apathy is the world’s greatest enemy
  4. Chasing dreams is hard yakka – this was mind-blowing to read again. What a journey!!

It’s been super hard to make the decision to let this brand go. I have adored it for so long, but one of the reasons I had it, is because my professional community and my personal community have always been very separate. I was also never 100% sure my professional community could accept all of me, and so, I kept them separate.

However, I knew the time was right, because as more of me has shown up in my professional space in the last few years, I’ve noticed I’m doing much less on Without the Bollocks. And that is a good sign that my ultimate goal – to join my two voices together – is here.

If you want to stay connected, my channels are: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Medium and Website.

I will retire Without the Bollocks on Facebook and Twitter.

However, I am excited to launch a new Facebook Group Uncommon Courage 

Please come and join me there.

This is a new brand (but it’s also part of my professional brand), and it’s tied to the launch of my next book. I’ll speak more about that on the Facebook Group. 

My goal is to build a powerful community of people who are ready to act and change this world for the better. Don’t join if you don’t want to get involved. It’s a time of great urgency now.

Branding since 2017 – perfect

If you want to know how I’m feeling about the world these days, you can have a listen to this podcast with my friends, Lindsay Adams and Rael Bricker. This is where I am, and if you’ve been part of my journey, you’ll already appreciate that.

So there you go. Good bye Without the Bollocks. It’s been a love affair from the start. A way to manage my mind which is always so full of thoughts, AND most importantly, it’s kept us all connected – my family, friends and new friends I’ve made along the way, as well as those I’ve met digitally.

There is so much power in the digital world, if we are all brave enough to claim it. I won’t stop sharing that message.

The spirit of Rosie will always be with me

And with that, I want to say thank you for being with me and supporting me. I’ve appreciated it more than you can ever know.

Signing off…

Yours, Without the Bollocks (I might keep doing that)


PS: come and join me at Uncommon Courage – excited to welcome you. New logo below 😍



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