We’re coming up to three weeks since returning to Thailand from Europe, and I just can’t turn my body clock around. I’ve never had jetlag this bad and I’ve had it bad in the past. Definitely a person with a lot if experience in this regard….
From past sessions, overcoming jetlag is simple. You must get through one day (maybe two) of suffering and then you’ll be on your way to being over it. However, since being back, I go to bed, can’t sleep, can’t wake up and the cycle continues. It’s getting annoying now.
No question I wore myself out on this holiday more than I’ve ever done before. I needed to go hard. Not only did I feel I needed to escape my brain – by being active every day, walking thousands and thousands of steps, relishing in friends and family we’ve missed, relishing in history, relishing in life, relishing in being ‘free’ after nearly three years of staying put and more.
But the bigger goal was definitely about keeping so busy I stopped thinking about the climate crisis. I succeeded there, to an extent, but I never stop thinking about it.
The reality is, I was constantly looking around to see what was happening or had changed in the different countries I visited. I was looking for inspiration, hope, and real progress. I could see it, but I also knew what I was seeing just isn’t enough.

From all I saw and see in Asia, we do not get the urgency yet. We will eventually, and I really hope it’s before it’s all too late.
That’s my biggest concern now – where we are on the ‘line of change’ required to counter the worst possible outcomes. In 1970, what we are doing now would have been great. But the graph has gone up and up and up since then, which means our only chance is rapid systems change of EVERYTHING we hold dear. I’ll be focused on this for the rest of the year. Trying to simplify how big this change needs to be.
And I’ll do that, because it’s the only chance our kids have. We are now talking collapse and it will feel like dominoes speeding up from here. Why collapse? Because multiple crisis’ are happening all over the world at the same time and emissions, deforestation and more are going up.
It’s what the climate scientists told us would happen. It’s the red flag they’ve been waving for a long time. They told us we didn’t want to get here. We didn’t listen to them. Will we now? Or does it need to get much worse before we listen? Every year we delay means more misery for all of us.
Too much? Sorry. I suppose the reality of this time isn’t helping me get any sleep either. Hard when reading these headlines…
Worst drought in the Horn of Africa and China since records begun.
Worst drought in USA for 1,200 years.
Worst drought in Europe for 500 years.
River’s bone dry, including 66 in China.
Crop failures everywhere, in every country, due to extreme weather. Look at the floods hitting India and Pakistan right now, plus the crop failures associated with these floods? Misery will follow misery for these people. But it’s not just local impact. With all the crop damage being reported around the world, famine is knocking on all of our doors. And yes, the media will tell us it’s the war in Ukraine (which certainly isn’t helping), but it’s not the reason for the massive issue rising before us.
A global famine that will hit us all. The wealthiest will be able to afford food, of course and by the way, good idea to plant tomatoes. Good idea to plant a garden full-stop!
Also, don’t forget it’s a La Nina year, not El Nino – which means it should be a cooling time. Want to understand La Nina? Here’s a few links to help you dig into it, especially as we’re hitting a rare third year cycle.
Stubborn La Niña may stick around for a rare third year – Los Angeles Times
Australia’s floods likely to continue with return of La Nina-Xinhua
News Analysis: Aussie meteorological experts seek answers in a world of extremes – Xinhua
The World Was Cooler in 2021 Than 2020. That’s Not Good News | WIRED
With La Niña conditions back, is it good news for tropical forests? (mongabay.com)
Anyhoo I will keep trying to turn my body clock around, and no, I won’t take sleeping tablets. They make me depressed. Melatonin is OK but doesn’t seem to do the trick this time round.
I also know I need to be kind to myself, so I continue to move slowly, and to my friends and family, apologies if I’m slow to respond to anything. Chase me please.
In some ways, the whole launching back into life, well, maybe I’m just not ready yet…
Or maybe I truly need a holiday from my holiday…
Or maybe I’m just getting older…
Or maybe it’s just hard right now, for all of us, and it’s having an impact?
Environment education
Three environment resources to help navigate this challenging territory. 1. Knowledge, constantly updating. 2. Individual action and awareness, so we do our part. 3. Resources for those struggling with eco-anxiety. Please share with your community.
Uncommon Courage: an invitation – my latest book
Uncommon Courage is an invitation to be your courageous best self every day. It’s also an antidote to the overwhelm, fear, and rage rolling around the world. But it’s more than a book; it’s an invitation to join an inclusive community that wants to better understand humanities challenges – both global and personal – in order to take courageous action and create a better world for everyone. If Covid19 has given us the time and space to reflect, Uncommon Courage gives us the nudge we need to create lasting change.
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The Know Show
Check out The Know Show. It’s a fortnightly wrap up of the news! Starting again September 2nd.
18 Steps to an All-Star LinkedIn Profile (2022 edition)
Listed by Book Authority in the 100 Best LinkedIn Books of All Time and 22 Best New LinkedIn eBooks To Read In 2021 and 2022 categories. Grab it today if you want to take your professional presence to the next level! When it comes to LinkedIn, it really is time to ask — can you really afford not to have this book in the hands of every employee?
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