Throwing in the Towel on Spunks

Well after much torment – because when I make a commitment to do something, I do it – I have decided not to pursue my teams of International Spunks and International Ugly Bastards (or Those with Nice Personalities,) in the way I originally set out. Taking my lead from you, my precious readers, it just hasn’t generated enough interest. When I write about the shite in my life, I get lots of support and comments, which is very much appreciated. When I explore my head from a religion/spirituality perspective, it seems to resonate with many. When I write book reviews, it gets a bit of interest from friends equally voracious about their reading materials. When I write about vaginas or anuses, well, those blogs are still being read and regularly popping up in searches!!!

So I reckon I’ll throw in the towel on this project now, because it is a shitload of effort compiling this information, and if it ain’t going to get read and no one’s going to vote, I’ll just be heartbroken. Naturally, I will continue to compile my teams in my head, because it really does make rugby so much more enjoyable.
It also doesn’t help that I am a mother, and the father in this equation is much more of a rugby head than I, so it is only fair that every four years I make it possible for him to watch as much rugby as possible – thus taking on child responsibilitys reduces perving opportunities significantly. The things we do for love? But I do not mind. Steve has always shared the parenting load.

Here is a compilation of photos that I believe represents why I love this game. Men in all their muscular glory has always been my thing.

If you’re interested, my International Team of Spunks is below, and I’ve made it possible for you to go and check them out, although I don’t think they look as great in these pictures as they do when they play.

Yours, without the bollocks


  1. My absolute favourite spunk – Alesana Tuilagi – Samoa
  2. My second favourite spunk – Ma’a Nonu – NZ
  3. Victor Matfield – Sth Africa
  4. Morné Steyn – Sth Africa
  5. Mike Phillips – Wales
  6. Jamie Roberts – Wales
  7. Joe Ansbro – Scotland
  8. Ally Strokosch – Scotland
  9. Richie McCaw – NZ
  10. Dan Carter – NZ – definitely think he’s gotten better with age. Was too pretty for me before 
  11. Saia Faingaa – Aus – his brother doesn’t have the lovely locks
  12. Nathan Sharpe – Aus – I just love him, a true gentleman of the game
  13. David Pocock – Aus
  14. Quade Cooper – Aus – he’s got something, although he’d pull his finger out of his arse this weekend!
  15. Alisi Tupuailai – Japan
  16. Toetuu Taufa – Japan
  17. Bryce Robins – Japan
  18. Brian O’Driscoll – Ireland
  19. Cian Healy – Ireland – huge fan of his thighs
  20. Tasesa Lavea – Samoa
  21. AnthonyPerenise – Samoa
  22. Maurie Faasavalu – Samoa
  23. Ofisa Treviranus – Samoa
  24. GeorgePisi – Samoa
  25. Manaia Salavea – Samoa
  26. Pat Danahy – USA
  27. ScottLaValla – USA
  28. Todd Clever – USA
  29. Alexander Voytov – Russia
  30. Andrey Ostrikov – Russia
  31. AlexeyMakovetskiy – Russia
  32. Nick Easter – England
  33. Shontayne Hape, England – Shontayne?
  34. Courtney Lawes – England, although who calls a son Courtney?
  35. James Haskell – England
  36. Fulgence Ouedraogo – France
  37. Romain Millo-Chluski – France
  38. Albert James Vulivuli – Fiji
  39. Sakiusa Matadigo – Fiji
  40. Felipe Contepomi – Argentina
  41. And last, but not least, because I just love him, Piri Weepu gets on my team

Overall spunkiest team – Samoa.

And best ears I think has to go to Danie Rossouw of Sth Africa. Here’s a selection of Danie Rossouw pictures to give you an idea. He is closely followed by Simon Shaw of England.

PS: to the teams missed, my apologies. I couldn’t get you all!

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