The Good and the Bad of Plane Travel

I’ve arrived in Amsterdam and after seven years, it’s been wonderful catching up on life with Saskia and Eylard. No idea where seven years went? But to get here, I had to endure 13 hours in economy class at the back of a plane. One of the challenges about flying to Europe from Singapore is a lot of people are journeying on from the Antipodes, which means a great number of passengers have already been on the road 10+ hours and the stench is palpable. But the main challenge is being surrounded by a bunch of people with plane food already in their guts, which adds another dimension – plane farts! My God I was gagging! Hideous stuff.

But there was one great thing. I got to watch three movies! I haven’t been able to enjoy many movies since two mini-men came into my life, so it was absolute luxury. First was “Bad Teacher” starring Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake, and I have to say, what a bloody funny movie. Superb comedy and definitely have a look if you get a chance. Second was a quirky little British movie called “Submarine,” the story of a teenage boy who wants to lose his virginity and stop his Mum having an affair with a new age spiritual type with a mullet. An incredibly clever movie, full of fantastic characters, and Noah Taylor plays the dorky Dad to perfection. It’s awkward and witty and brilliant. Check it out. I almost finished X-Men as well – but I missed Hugh.
But now, having recovered from my flight and not feeling too bad after excessive wine consumption last night, I’m off for a day of fine Dutch weather and fun with the birthday girl. It’s so lovely being back in Europe and hanging out with Sas really is soup for the soul. There’s nothing better than great friends in life. So Happy 40th my friend – thrilled to be able to share it with you.

Yours, without the bollocks
PS: I miss my three boys…. a week feels such a long time away

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