Now I can cook, and I can definitely make a very nice cake, but my challenge is the making-it-look-pretty bit. I am definitely more of a cook for 20 people kind-of-person, with a preference for placing big pots of food in the centre of the table and everyone can just tuck in at their pleasure. In fact, a dream job would be a stint as a cook on a working boat – where everyone needs lots of sustenance – ‘cos I reckon I could do that well. One day maybe.

The original plan included a BIG surfing wave – and this is where most of the doubts came in – especially from my engineering husband. He couldn’t see how an icing wave could be structurally sound, and in the end, he was right. I ended up doing a mini-wave, however when driving to the birthday party with the cake in my lap, I looked down and said “Steve, it looks like a very big blue penis with a massive set of balls!” Apparently he had already thought the same but decided not to mention it – he’s wise too.
It didn’t matter, the cake was destroyed within moments, it got enough of an impressed reaction from the other mums who (like me) would outsource this aspect of the party, and the cake was tasty as promised. I definitely have a strong preference for buying the cake – as there are some VERY talented people in this city offering these services – but disorganised me ran out of time to even order an ice-cream cake from Svensens, and thus I knew I had to knuckle down and deliver.
It was fun and I’m glad I did it. I’m not sure I’ll do it again, but hey, I have made three kids birthday cakes now, which is a good effort for someone without the Martha Stewart gene.
And with that I wish my beautiful little boy, Lex, a very very happy 6thbirthday today. He is a magnificent, big hearted and compassionate little fella, and while we’ve had some tough times along the way, I love my little man with all my heart.
And the reason for the surfing inspiration? A little video of my lad in action:
Yours, without the bollocks